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iPad Daily Trading Thread for September 2012 (Part 3)

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  1. iPad
Well, my gifts finally reset and I have sent out my 20 gifts for today. Those people who sent me gifts that I didn't send today are on top of my list for tomorrow.

Thank you again neighbors for all of your generosity.

I Fly


150+ Star Club
  1. iPad
I'm going for this now if anyone can send the following!

Flight Catering Facility
- 3 Packaging Machines
- 3 Cooling Chambers
- 3 Defrosters

I have 3 gifts remaining today if anyone who hasn't received wants anything specific!
@Germinio, Thanks for the note. Then I'll send something else to you. After you have more Delta and Powerful Delta, it is not easy to have enough flight catering. You'll see what I mean via my airport. Of course, you are right with the priority now.

@bubbajed5711, I'll keep sending you fuel supply (not mentioned in your sig) for a while. But please send me back something in my list as what you do now. Thanks.

@Gdog, I was lucky like you. But I always only purchase $32 ($32*3 in promotion). The only special building I have is from the collections (Pet Shop in Page 7)
By the way, to my experience, the best way (probably everyone knows) to generate more coins is : to build coin effective buildings as many as possible, including Donuts house. I could see you are doing so, but you could have more. The building will always earn back its cost in a few days. The coins from regular flight is comparatively less. Even guest landing is not good enough, the best scenario is only $8 * 60 = $480 per hour. I used all the coins earned recently for caterling facility, which should be enough soon. Then I would upgrade control towel for another hanger and airplane.

@Mossied. I finish the hotel (spend $8) long after selling out my last Jet plane. After I spent $8 for the hotel mission, another guy showed up, and asked lots of new mission, including flight to Sydney. So I had to buy a Jet plane again and made a few more flights, and collect items from neighbors buildings. In the end, you still need to finish it. Yet, it is not very urgent. It is up to you whether you want to spend $8, or wait for someone with shampoo.

@VTLAX17 : you are so fast.
As above, you might need green flight for the other missions.

Also, I am almost out of Gyroscope, so it is appreciated if someone could gift it. Please let me know if you prefer me to return the same, or I would check your latest post and sig.

And for those upgrading repair base to level 5, are you able to get Altimeter somewhere? It happened 3 times already asking for an altimeter.

Like yesterday and before, thank you neighbors all for the gift.
  1. iPad
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Luke Pilot
Luke Pilot
Hi all,

Thanks to everyone for the gifts, really need Hull Parts now if anyone can send those...

I can also send out gyroscopes now. Will send these to you Mkuoie86.
Thanks for all gifts, I have just sent mine, matching requests here as far as possible or just flight catering.

Thanks Mkuoie for the advice!
I fly please send spare prop
144 Vaux a gyroscope
Mkuoie spare prop
Waverley a spare prop
Germinio a gyroscope

Anyone else flight catering please.....
Thanks Mkuoie for the advice!

Also, Use Residential building as passengers buffer. It is even better than Terminal, which is only a buffer, can't actuall generate. Level 5 of 520 passengers should be enough for up to level 30 destination (Antarctic). Of course you could upgrade it if you want, but the priority is low.

Manor/Pool House could re-generate every 15/20 min, So build the maximun 6. On the contrary, it takes 60 minutes for Mansion, so I build only 2, and a few others longer than 1 hour. (Too many of them would request more electricity and especially more populations/town hall upgrade) These are used mainly in the morning (unless you get up every two or three hours during the sleep), when there are quite a few flights to launch together.
Usually it is enough to recover passenger within 10 to 15 minutes (including Cottage and Side Wing). You have enough space now. It won't be a problem.
After level 35, the max fuel is 90, so you have no choice but to wait for the re-fuel anyway, after two blue flights (Power Delta) are launched.
  1. iPad
Good morning everyone,
While I'm waiting for my gifts to reset, I'm making final changes to my send out list.

Daddy Boo, I'll start sending you Oscillating Beacons daily until I hear otherwise. Oscillating Beacons are great for me too.
lfcawc, Packing Machine will be sent today. Beginning tomorrow I'll go back to sending you Oscillating Beacons. Oscillating Beacons are fine for me.
Gdog, Spare propellers daily until I hear otherwise. You can also send Spare Propellers back to me too.
Mkuoie86, I'll send you a gyroscope today but will go back to De-icers daily after that. De-Icers are fine for me when you are able to gift them to me.

I've updated my Signature slightly. As I've gotten to level 32, I can now send TV Panel, Controller, Grinding Machine and Air Vent Filter.

I Fly
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