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iPad Daily Trading Thread for January 2013

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Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
I will mostly be off-line for the next few days... If you want a gift from my giftlists, please sent a PM.
For the rest, I will try to reply the Flight-stuff

Jpjpjp2 is visitable again,
  1. Android
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Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
Nope, if you are able to launch, and you want to start, you see a list of neighbours who are already launching. You can then join the launch.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Happy Helen
I'm probably slow in understanding but could somebody tell me what the training center looks like?
Hope this works, attached picture of my training centre

Tip, click on TC, then close down and restart your game, you can then revisit and re click, if that makes sense
I did it tonight and it works, therefore it doubles your chances :)


  • image.jpg
    352.8 KB · Views: 153
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see my signature
see my signature
Thanks for supporting my TDVCrApple game,

Received with thanks the following:
Pakman - robot Tester
flip123 (jpjpjp2) - Powerfull Radio Transmiter - I think you resent this
Ianda11 (Ianda10) - Assembly Robot
three usernames with Videowall & Robot tester.

Again thanks for the support I will be sending out items based on your signatures from TDV19..

Minissa - thanks for the add - accepted it .

Will update my signature in the next few minutes...
  1. iPad
Vind airport
Hope this works, attached picture of my training centre

Tip, click on TC, then close down and restart your game, you can then revisit and re click, if that makes sense
I did it tonight and it works, therefore it doubles your chances :)
Thanks very much - that was the one I thought, but I have had so little drops from them that I really had my doubts!
Also thanks for the tip about closing down- I'll see if this will give me more goodies :)


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
I had all my Neighbors today ... at least until I sent gifts and visited one. Then it was back to "username normal." Luckily, most of my Neighbors with Training Centers are okay and I was able to complete a Treadmill during my visits. I'm going to wait, however, to launch until I get better fuel drops.
Timp: Navigation Module
roller: Laser Level
flyerduck: Shredder
flip123: Navigation Module
I Fly 2: Flight Catering
Gt City: Spaceship Engine
Dee140157: Deicer
Badger fan: Assembly Robot
ozsnowy: Assembly Robot
must_dash: Navigation Module
Bengamin Thomas: Flight Catering
onehhy: Assembly Robot
Sophie: Spare Wire
Pakman: Fuel (3)
OBD: White Gold Bracelet
Vind airport: Flight Catering
rickmou: Landing Lamp
Phantom: Flight Catering
retren.transmitt: Powerful Radio Transmitter
landa11: Flight Catering
  1. iPad
I had a lot of my neighbours names this morning too on the iPhone, but when the names appear, the avatars disappear. They even stayed after I visited someone. Unfortunately when I got a chance to check to see what people wanted as gifts, the usernames were back. Also the iPad showed some names for a while. Maybe they are trying to sort this problem out?? :whistle:
Contrary to what many are experiencing here, my drop rates from baikonour and cape canaveral are not that bad.

But drop rates from training centers is litterally zero ! Be they mine or neighbour's.

I have a good amount of items for the launch (more than enough to join a launch and maybe enough to do a launch myself) but I don't want to spend 20 more greenies (how tightwad of me !)
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Happy Helen
@ ozsnowy

Yes, I did get your request, had a look and I can see you need heaps of stuff from neighbours.
However, now you come up only as an username with an airport I can't visit, this is an issue at the moment.
So, sadly I can't add you until this gets sorted, it makes difficult when coming to gift, I have a number of neighbours, around half where I can't visit so please bear this in mind.

Just had another look, I don't even see your avatar & you show as level 30, not 35.

Hopefully it will get sorted, then you can add me shortly!

Does this help?
I won't delete you, have you got any ideas on how to solve and what sort of response have you had from other neighbours?



150+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Happy Helen

That's strange. Your name comes up on my side but says awaiting reply. Let's hope my name will show up on your side sooner rather than later.

Yes, I need a lot of stuff to complete things. :-(


Thanks for adding me. Sent you flight Catering
  1. Android
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Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
tdv, yes i didn't have anything on the giftlist you asked for and i thought your wife would also like to fly. got you a server rack this time

Pilot2-b are you also pilot2b? i like to know what you need...
Ianda11 could you sent a cash counter to Jpjpjp2, thank you..

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
Gt City: Spaceship Engine
Thanks a lot, Tom!
If you will be able to send Assembly Robot today, i will aprechiate that very much. It is last item for last CFS i want to build.
Yesterday my first launch was successful, so i am working on collecting stuff for next ones...

Todays gifts are out:
lfcawc: Assembly Robot
Ianda11: LLamp (Ianda10)
Sophie: Spare Wire
Pakman: Fuel(3)
InCoNvEnIeNtE: Master Plan (finally i saw you, pic is diff then here :D)
greensmith: Assembly Robot
Vangees: Spare Wire (Gifts-Send2iPad)
I Fly 2: Assembly Robot
@Fancy: Fuel Additives
@Blacho: Assembly Robot

Rest goes to "usernames"... i still have them too many; even those that i added as neighbors recently, and at beginning saw their names... :confused:

Also wierd, seems as "nice" bug: Then day is turned, and i can send 20 gifts, also button "Visit" should be reseted. But it is not, on 44 of my 114 neighbors.
So, many users i simply cannot visit. But - for some, i visited today, button "Visit" is still active, so i can visit you any time (of course, without collecting drops again)....

Or, as usual from GI - not a bug, but feature :ROFLMAO:
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
I Fly 2, I agree with the waiting part. Jpjpjp is not able to launch at all (treadmill) but if he can launch, he is a username and doesn't have enough points to finish the launch alone.

we now have the idea that flip123 is starting the launch in about 3 days (if jpjpjp is able to launch) and hopefully Jpjpjp can join the launch as username. the goal will be the trainigcentre and not first place. for this goal, more people are welkom to join if it works. it will be important to keep the launch open for participant and that will be my biggist problem. none forum people who join and launch to early for others to join...

(i hate typing on this tablet)
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