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iPad Daily Trading Thread for February 2013 (Part 2)

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1200+ Star Club
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I started a launch. Tryin to collect the "space odyssey" experiments so in need of a 1st place finish. tdv just joined. Anybody else who does not mind taking any position other than 1st/gold, feel free to join.


350+ Star Club
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flip123 Sorry the update was unsuccessful. I really hope you will be able to get things back after the reset. The first person to update takes a bullet for the rest of us. I am very appreciative of your willingness to do so. If you don't mind could I ask whether all your planes went back to what they were before the previous update and had you made any changes to your aircraft in the period of time after the last update? I've made some changes, buying and selling aircraft and wonder what will happen to my current fleet of planes. NOT that I plan to update, but at some point when a new challenge comes out I will want to play in the new challenge. I will continue to send gifts to jpjpjp2 and just switch my gift from Flip123 to jpjpjp until your game gets repaired.

I Fly 2
flip123 Pakman I Fly 2 Happy Helen greensmith must_dash Patrick One Bad Day Dee140157 Chloe11111 Pilot2 LAX etc etc - This morning (2/27/2013) I received an Email from GI Support in response to my complaint about Username etc - In it they replied to look for the upcoming Update to solve issues that I mentioned !
Now everytime I load the game IPad2 - I get this notice - ATTENTION ! New version of Airport City is available for download. Don't miss it!
Well I think that I will sit this one out just like I have sat out the Feb 21st update. It is not fun reading the Pro's (are there really any) and CONS (there are so many) and trying to decide What To DO ???? So to all my good friends - please advise should I or Shouldn't I ???? :whistle: Bill


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Happy Helen
flip123 Pakman I Fly 2 Happy Helen greensmith must_dash Patrick One Bad Day Dee140157 Chloe11111 Pilot2 LAX etc etc - This morning (2/27/2013) I received an Email from GI Support in response to my complaint about Username etc - In it they replied to look for the upcoming Update to solve issues that I mentioned !
Now everytime I load the game IPad2 - I get this notice - ATTENTION ! New version of Airport City is available for download. Don't miss it!
Well I think that I will sit this one out just like I have sat out the Feb 21st update. It is not fun reading the Pro's (are there really any) and CONS (there are so many) and trying to decide What To DO ???? So to all my good friends - please advise should I or Shouldn't I ???? :whistle: Bill


I did, I lost my attack plane, got my sleigh back and my aircraft are all messed up!
The upgrade quest came as I was gifting, I should have avoided it ;)
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aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
I did the update today, it fixed my missing planes issue, but my Usernames still remain and i have a great many neighbors i can't visit still.

Not really surprised.....i gave them a list of the planes i had before the update, so that was pretty easy to fix - i think i'll just take credit for that then. :D


1200+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Rsorour I can send video board. Thanks for the goal posts, almost there with my last stadium.

Scoob1964 I sent you neighbor request for both your accounts. Good luck!

I am looking for a couple ergonomic chairs to finish my terminal. I have tons of usernames, so doing the best I can with gifts. Thanks for all the help guys. Much appreciated.
Scatterkat . got the video board. Many thanks...i will gift your account once my account resets tonight. i do not have Ergo chairs but i will send something else per your signature.
Thanks again.


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cpt bob
Hi all,

so i thought. nothing ventured, nothing gained.... well rather then 8 jumbo's I now have 8 sleigh's. just bloody brilliant. Honest am getting very bored of this now.

So take it from me, ill be doing a restore on my ipad, after the last bugger up. i forked out all the money (in the game) i had built up, now i have to taste it new planes only to get robbed again.

SO DON'T UPGRADE PEOPLE. if you do. make sure you have a viable back up of your device and you can restore from your back up

Again thanks to all them gift's!!!
Thanks for all the gifts (especially tdv for the black stuff!). Mostly usernames today and so have mainly returned gifts. I am not updating this new version as want to keep my 13 jumbos flying for as long as I can to build up the stars. I have hit 150 now - still a long way behind greensmith and I Fly!!!

Hope you are all getting useful things from visiting my airport! I am afraid I had to delete a neighbour, (not on this forum though), for clicking my Xmas tree for the last few days.

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Happy Helen
Thanks for all the gifts (especially tdv for the black stuff!). Mostly usernames today and so have mainly returned gifts. I am not updating this new version as want to keep my 13 jumbos flying for as long as I can to build up the stars. I have hit 150 now - still a long way behind greensmith and I Fly!!!

Hope you are all getting useful things from visiting my airport! I am afraid I had to delete a neighbour, (not on this forum though), for clicking my Xmas tree for the last few days.


Thanks I returned your beacon earlier today.

I too have deleted a neighbour in the past who repeatedly clicked on my tree, they only got coins not the gift.
I moved my tree but then forgot about it so have moved it back.
I feel its a matter of respect between neighbours. (y)

I always enjoy paying your airport city a visit :cool: HH


1200+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Thanks for all the gifts (especially tdv for the black stuff!). Mostly usernames today and so have mainly returned gifts. I am not updating this new version as want to keep my 13 jumbos flying for as long as I can to build up the stars. I have hit 150 now - still a long way behind greensmith and I Fly!!!

Hope you are all getting useful things from visiting my airport! I am afraid I had to delete a neighbour, (not on this forum though), for clicking my Xmas tree for the last few days.

Pakman ..... i am very curious..How could you have 13 jumbos? i have what seems to be the max# of hangars and planes = 8 according to my most upgraded tower. AC doesnt offer me any upgrades to increase my planes and hangars and i am at level 32 closing in on 33.
Happy flyin....
Pakman ..... i am very curious..How could you have 13 jumbos? i have what seems to be the max# of hangars and planes = 8 according to my most upgraded tower. AC doesnt offer me any upgrades to increase my planes and hangars and i am at level 32 closing in on 33.
Happy flyin....

Kept my ice hangers and sleighs from the Xmas challenge - lucky sod I am as they converted to jumbos!!! Just then rearranged my fleet of 8 other planes to jumbos using coins (have £1.8m) - 13 jumbos - job done!!!!

As the Giftmaster says tdv - sometimes a bug/glitch can help - more often than not it doesn't and I hate to see my fellow forum members getting messed around - GI suck!!!

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