- Device
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- Username
- Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
Today was my second launch and I can launch 2 or 3 more times (not with points but with treadmills., I need some help with points)
tdv and to other android friends, could you send Ducks1 any of the following:
copy machine, projector, dispatcher console to upgrade my tower or flight goggles, flight helmet and textbooks for my first flight catering facility
For my ipad account Dee140147 flight catering would be great please.
flip123 Just checked I'm at 588 -- Bill --Nope, I am not in.... If there are 54 points from me or nothing from me, it is the old launch which I lost... I cannot reach it (see text earlier) BUT
If you can join that launch, maybe other people on the forum can also join that launch.....
I can NOT reach that launch.... sorry....
LAX Got the O.B. sent you a Fuel Hose ??? -- Bill --Items I just sent out today:
Rsorour - Oscillating Beacon
mv_airport - Flight Catering
@landa11 - Laser Cutter
@Erb22 - Oscillating Beacon
Unfortunately, no pictures showed up in my neighbor list and the above names are the only ones that showed up that I recognized. Everyone else showed up with the dreaded blank picture and username. When is GI going to fix this already. Very frustrating!!!!
I did try and add Happy Helen & Pakman as neighbors, but it didn't let me add them. If I show up as LAX in your list, please send me what you need or want and I'll send it back, even if it comes through as username on my end. Thanks!!!
flip123,Today was my second launch and I can launch 2 or 3 more times (not with points but with treadmills., I need some help with points)
flip123 FYI jpjpjp shows up as username lvl 19 when I receive gift. Therefore I can only return. So Fuel Hose, Sp prop, Nav mods, Deicer are great and I will return same item. I do not need F.C. --- Bill --Hi,
Just sent gifts from Jpjpjp to:
Rsorour, Arne, GamingSwiftie,I Fly, Deetee04, must_dash, Colin Chew, billsnj, Lebiegas, Uncle Mans, Ianda11, Phantom..... And some other usernames
greensmith Tom - I have a launch going right now. 19 hours to go and I have 712 of 1600. -- Bill --flip123,
I went to join your launch attempt, but I ended up on my own. Second time this has happened. Don't have enough fuel to launch on my own so I guess I'll let the 24 hours pass.
flip123 I thought I was going to join your launch. I hit the JOIN - but it did seem to work. I'm now 18:49 away from launch and 712 of 1600. -- Bill --greensmith, what do you see with the launch? billsnj, did you start your own launch or did you join mine?
I can see the launch on iPad and could try to join.... How many points did you put in (or can you put in)?
LAX Happy Helen LAX be good to HH - she was one of my BESTHappy Helen - thanks for adding me - I will accept when I get home from work to my Ipad
@Erb22 - thanks bill, I will send you a fuel hose tomorrow.
I have been following and see that several of you have just launched or are starting a spaceship launch. I tried one several weeks ago, but I was totally clueless. It expired and I thought the whole space project was a waste.
I do believe I have all the requirements on the Airport City end, but how do you add people to the launch or help with the launch? I have visited others cities, but I never see anything much different from my city. Please note that I do not do facebook at all. I have a junk account on facebook simply for app freebies, codes, etc. I do not use it for anything else and therefore have no friends, etc.