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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Windows Information on Windows Ads


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From G! support:

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Airport City Support Team
June 24, 2020, 08:03 -0400
I have to confirm that there is a slight shortage of bonus videos for Windows now, but as the offers are provided by a third party, it is not possible for us to remedy the situation immediately. We keep following the case and expect a solution as soon as possible.
The Unavailable button might also appear due to some connection issues on your side. Please, double-check your internet connection. Rebooting the game can also help in this situation.

Kiwi Claire

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
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Kiwi C: [item/s]
I play in windows and still have ads, but from middle of today they switch part way through to the play store, and when you go back its as if they never happened - so half an ad with no rewards!
After the store opens - I wait for length of time needed for the full ad to have played - before closing the store and the ad... I get the reward most of the time. Sadly - not all the time, but more often than not.
After the store opens - I wait for length of time needed for the full ad to have played - before closing the store and the ad... I get the reward most of the time. Sadly - not all the time, but more often than not.
Exactly how I payed, but this advert for Vegas slots never gets to the end - it automatically opens the play store and the ad goes black screen with an x. Do nothing, nothing happens, click the x you are back to the start of the ad with no gift! I have even installed vegas slots or whatever it is in the hope a different ad will not have the fault - but still getting the same one.
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