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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

I’m looking for a new alliance

Air Colonia

150+ Star Club
Space Explorers
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Air Cologne
I dont like my current alliance anymore, its boring. So I’m looking for a new one where members DO their tasks and are from the forum. I complete at least 2 alliance missions per week, friend code is 037k8au2u :D

David Beech

350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Commander Bond
I am looking for 1 member just like yourself that completes two alliance tasks per week.
I have had the same problem where I was the only person completing all 3 tasks - Even the alliance leader didn't complete any tasks.
This is a new group formed by members on the forum so that we can chat / ask for specific gifts etc.
I will add you as a friend and send you and alliance invite.

Air Colonia

150+ Star Club
Space Explorers
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Air Cologne
I am looking for 1 member just like yourself that completes two alliance tasks per week.
I have had the same problem where I was the only person completing all 3 tasks - Even the alliance leader didn't complete any tasks.
This is a new group formed by members on the forum so that we can chat / ask for specific gifts etc.
I will add you as a friend and send you and alliance invite.
Are you “Commander Bond”?

Air Colonia

150+ Star Club
Space Explorers
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Air Cologne
I am looking for 1 member just like yourself that completes two alliance tasks per week.
I have had the same problem where I was the only person completing all 3 tasks - Even the alliance leader didn't complete any tasks.
This is a new group formed by members on the forum so that we can chat / ask for specific gifts etc.
I will add you as a friend and send you and alliance invite.
Are you “Commander Bond”?
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