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How To Reclaim Land From The City Side And The Airport Side of Your Game During Long Term Game Play

If you have been playing your game for a considerable period of time, perhaps a good few years, you may find that your game site has become somewhat untidy. If this is the case, it is most likely that you have not managed to maintain tight control over your game, and the long term placement of buildings. It is also possible that you may not have considered this aspect of your game too deeply, or not considered it at all, when you first set up your game and started to play.

If you are in this position, it will be quite understandable, since it is all too easy to overlook this, when you have a great deal to think about, during the early stages of game play. You will not be alone with regards to this, many players will have experienced this problem during long term game play. Those who have not, will have considered this from the very outset, and kept a tight control over their games, and saved themselves a great deal of work in the long run. These players will be few and far between.

The fact that buildings vary in size, 1x1, 2x2 and 3x3, will not help matters, since it is awkward to place buildings adjacent to each other, or in close proximity to each other, when they vary in size and shape. It is always far easier to place buildings together, when they are all the same size and shape. Many of the buildings will require roads, to make them solid and live, so they can pay out at set intervals. . These set intervals will be determined by each of the buildings, 20 Minutes, 30 Minutes, 1 Hour, 2 Hours, 4 Hours, 8 Hours, 11 Hours, 12 Hours, 18 Hours, 1 Day, 2 Days, 3 Days. The use of roads with small buildings 1x1 in size will take up valuable land space, far more than you would have believed possible. It is also important to mention that not all buildings 1x1, 2x2 and 3x3 in size, located on the city side and airport side of your game, will require roads to make them solid and live.

As a general rule of thumb, the longer you have to wait for buildings to pay out, the more you will get, in terms of gold coins, passengers etc. Also, buildings which are 2x2 and 3x3 in size, pay out more than buildings 1x1 in size. If you multiple this by the maximum number of buildings, you are allowed to have of each type, it will add up to a considerably amount of game resources across the entire week of game play. The buildings which are 1x1 in size pay small amounts of coins, which are quite poor, but they do help to increase your city population capacity. However, there are ways to offset this, when you remove these buildings.

During long term game play, the price of land will steadily increase, to become extremely expensive to purchase land, when paying full price. You will have the option to purchase land at half price, during land discount expansion sales, but this will only take place once every two weeks and will only be available for 3 days. The second option will be the best course of action for your game long term, but it will require great patience from you.

In the early stages of your game you will be able to purchase land with gold coins and/or green notes. As long as this purchase option is open to you, I would strongly suggest you make the most of it and only use gold coins, until you are no longer able to do so. There will come at time when you will only be able to purchase land with green notes.

For more detailed information with regards to land purchase prices, full price and half price, and how to obtain green notes during game play, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - Bi Monthly Land Expansion Discount Sales Purchased With Gold Coins And Green Notes, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-game-bi-monthly-land-expansion-discount-sales-purchased-with-coins-and-green-notes-v8-8-15.30755/

There are currently a maximum of 80 game levels available, it will take many months, if not a few years, to work your way through each of the 80 game levels. How long it will actually take will depend on many aspects of your game, including how many hours a day, or how many hours in a week you play. During the journey your game plans will change, what was important to you in the early stages of game play, when you first set up your game, will not be so important to you later on in your game. It will be important to collect gold coins up to a point, but it will not always be so, across all 80 levels, as you grow, develop and expand your game.

There will be many different types of buildings available to purchase, during normal game play, but each will come at a price, Gold Coins, Green Notes, Silver Tokens, Gold Tokens. You will therefore need to exercise great care when deciding which of them to remove from your game (to be sold or warehouse storage), since they will serve different functions, some more important than others, while some less important than others.

There will of course be other methods, by which you will be able to obtain buildings, but it will not be available to you, during the early stages of your game. Only later on will this become possible, through the Special Events (available from game level 6), through the Mystery Buildings (available from game level 5), through the Mystery Super Buildings (available from game level 9), through the completion of Flight Collections (Standard Planes, Standard Helicopters, Space Program Maps, Excavation Map Flights, Adventure Map Flights, Alliance Flight Maps), through the Bank Discount Sales (the offer will change every 8 hours), the Airship Store (the airship dock can only be purchase from level 10).

Regardless of which methods you may have used to obtain your buildings, it will be important you do not rush into this process, but to take you time. Only then will you be able to make informed decisions, based on your game requirements and the building information. The buildings which you have in warehouse storage can be brought back out whenever you want, and placed in your game, but the buildings you have sold can not.

Which only produce coins​
Which only repair helicopters​
Which only produce electricity​
Which only produce space fuel​
Which only produce helicopter fuel​
Which only produce plane flight items​
Which produce passengers, flight items​
Which only produce helicopter flight items​
Which increase city population, produce coins, flight items​
Which only produce coins
Which only produce passengers
Which produce bonus with a radius
Which produce passengers, drop items
Which produce one space collectable item
Which increase city population, produce coins
Which produce coins, passengers, increase city population
Which increase city population, produce coins, drop items
Which increase city population, produce coins, space fuel

There will be a number of important things to keep in mind, not all buildings can be removed from your game, or sold, or moved into warehouse storage. Some buildings will be permanent, once you have constructed them. There will also be many buildings which you will not be able to move across, from the city side of your game to the airport side of your game, and vice versa. Some buildings will be extremely expensive to move into warehouse storage, far more expensive than selling them. None of the buildings which you sell will earn you handsome amounts of gold coins, you will always make a lose, when compared to how much the buildings first cost to purchase. You may have used Gold Coins, Green Notes, Silver Tokens, Gold Tokens to purchase your buildings, but you will only receive Gold Coins after each sale.

The following user guide will provide you with all the information you need, with regards to selling buildings, moving them into warehouse storage and buildings which can not be sold or moved into warehouse storage, How To Sell Your Surplus Warehouse Buildings And How To Move Your Buildings Into Warehouse Inventory, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/how-to-sell-your-surplus-warehouse-buildings-and-how-to-move-your-buildings-into-warehouse-inventory-v8-9-24.28737/

Located along the bottom row of the game screen, you will find eight rectangular click button options, centred in the middle of the screen. They will be labelled from left to right, Flights Menu (1st icon), Operative Hangar (2nd icon), Game Store Menu (3rd icon), Warehouse Menu (4th icon), Collections Menu (5th icon), Game Site Management (6th icon), Alliance Group Information, Ratings World Map and Tables, Gift Items, Neighbours (7th icon) and Settings Menu and Social Media (8th icon). They will be permanently displayed on your game screen, to open them, you will need to select the click buttons, one at a time. You will need to select the Game Site Management (6th icon) to access the required option.


Once selected you will need to select the building, after which a round menu will appear on your screen, with a number of colourful small icon options, displayed in a clockwise circular format. Some of these icon options will not be available to you (the options will be greyed out), this will be determined by each of the buildings you select. The selected building will appear in the centre of the menu, between the four green wedges, which will surround your chosen building.

The 1st icon option will be the Golden Money Pig (this will allow you to sell buildings and know how much you will earn from each sale), the 2nd icon option will be the Brown Crate/Downward Pointing Arrow (this will allow you to move buildings into your warehouse and know how much it will cost to do so), the 3rd icon option will be the Orange/Green Arrow (this will allow you to change the direction of buildings), the 4th icon option will be to Confirm your choice, the 5th icon option will be to Cancel your choice and exit the menu. How long the process may take will depend on how long you have been playing your game, the size of your game and how complex your game is. The process could take a considerable amount of time to undertake, but rest assured, it will be well worth it in the long run.


Located along the bottom row of the game screen you will have four icon options, the 1st icon option will display all the buildings on the airport side and city side of your game, the 2nd icon option will remove most of the buildings from your game (except the following buildings and structures, Reserve Hangar, Repair Base, Operative Hangar, Alliance Office, Airline Alliance HQ, Control Tower, Terminals, Airplanes, Bus Terminal, Parking Lots, Helicopters and pads) and leave you with a multi coloured (Blue, Green, Red, White, Yellow, Red, Purple, Teal) display grid which will vary in size 1x1, 2x2, 3x3 (the 1st icon option will return all the buildings to the game), the 3rd icon option will allow you to add and/or remove a road adjacent to a building or a row of buildings, the 4th icon option will exit the menu and return you to your game.


When you select the 3rd icon option the menu will change to the following display, with two additional icon options, located on the right hand side of the menu, with a Red Cross and a Green Tick, these will form part of the options. You will then be able to select the area where you want to add and/or remove a road.

Once the process has been completed, you may find that you have reclaimed a considerable amount of land, far more than you had expected, which you could put to good use. It is far better to have buildings which produce more than one game resource, than produce just one game resource. It is important you make the most of the land available, and the lands you will come to purchase during your game.

In order to provide you with a far more complete picture, it will be important to mention that you will have the option to purchase more land, rather than to sell buildings from your game. This option will save you quite a headache, and may be worth considering, if you are happy to spend some money on your game. There are many players who have chosen this option, rather than reclaim land by removing buildings. You will have the option to purchase green notes, also known as Airport Cash, by spending money through the bank, at a discount amount. You will have a set of six purchase options to choose from, 6GN, 16GN, 102GN, 330GN, 570GN, 1,200GN.

1200 GREEN NOTES.png

The first set of six purchase options will be replaced by a second set of six purchase options, 6GN, 16GN, 34GN, 110GN, 190GN 400GN after a few hours. These two sets will continue to replace each other every so often. The type of currency and the amount you will need to pay will vary, depending on where you are located in the world.


If you do decide this option is for you, you may want to set yourself a budget, so you can keep a tight control over how much you spend on buying green notes, to purchase more land. It is all too easy to over spend, and come to regret it at some point, later on in your game. This is something you will need to think about very carefully, before you decide, to spend or not to spend your money.

If you are new to the game of Airport City, it would be a good idea if you spend some time and look at a good selection of forum members game sites. You would find it a really good source for ideas, on how to set up your city and airport. There are many excellent examples, you are bound to find one that you like, which you could copy and/or adapt for your own needs. It would be best if you do this from the very outset, rather than much later on in your game.

If you spend some time and study their game sites carefully, you will come to realise that most have the same types of buildings, especially the airports, Coal Stations, Solar Panels, Space Program Buildings (Mission Controls Centres, Green, Blue, Red Launch Pads), Nuclear Power Plants, Oil Refineries, Fuel Stations, Teslar Power Plants, Cosmic Fuel Stations, Flight Item Buildings, Training Centres, Rocket Gardens, Space Travel Monument, Helicopter Pads, Helicopter Buildings, Airship Dock, although the design layouts will differ across forum members airports. There will be far more design varieties with the cities, and they tend to, but not always, have far greater land mass than the airports.

You are far more likely to remove buildings from the city side of your game (to be sold or warehouse storage), so as to reclaim land, than from the airport side of your game. This is because, many buildings on the airport side are far more important, and can not be replaced with similar types of buildings. Whereas buildings from the city side of your game are more inter-changeable, they can be replaced by other types of buildings, which are bigger and better at paying out resources. Many of the buildings on the airport side, can not be moved and/or sold, e.g. all the space program related buildings, some helicopter related buildings, all the fuel related buildings, the weather station building and duty free shop building.

You will need to keep a close watch on both the city population counter and the electricity counter, as you remove small buildings and replace them with bigger buildings, on the city side of your game. The bigger buildings 2x2 and 3x3 in size will consume far more of your counters capacities. You will also need to do this when expanding the airport side of your game. It is so very easy to overlook the game counters, and reach each of their limits, which will impede the progress of your game. Always best to increase counter capacities before you reach their limits, this will save you time and allow you to progress without any hindrance.

For more detailed information with regards to all the counters in your game, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - The Permanent On Screen Display Counters And The Temporary On Screen Display Icons Explained, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-game-the-permanent-on-screen-display-counters-and-the-temporary-on-screen-display-icons-explained-v8-9-24.30852/

There is a great wealth of user guide information located in the Airport City Guides section, of the members forum. I have written them to help you with your game, for those of you who are new to the game and for those of you who are further along with your game. The user guides will provide you with all the information you need, to help make a success of your game.

Last Updated: Thursday 16th January 2025 at 13.20pm London UK Time
Last edited:


350+ Star Club
After an update, it might help to add some description of what was updated would help. Nice work BTW.

1. You can add description after "I have updated this user guide"
2. Color the updated info in different color so people can see what was changed. Next time you update, change that color to normal and new info gets the color. So, you will always have some portion of info in different color to show that was the latest add/edit.
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