This user guide is divided into four sections, the first deals with helicopters purchased from the game store, the second deals with helicopters purchased during the discount super sales, the third deals with helicopters obtained through the special events, the fourth section deal with flight and repair items. The first option will always be available through your game, the second option will only become available during discount super sales, the third option you will need to obtain a special red helicopter from the mysterious airplane bonus, and the fourth deals with helicopter flight items and helicopter repairs items.
There are three helicopter class types for sale, Standard Class, S1 Class and S2 Class. The standard class helicopters fly at normal speeds, whereas the S1 and S2 class helicopters fly at increased speeds of 10% and 30%, to fifteen designated flight destinations (five destinations each), but the helicopters will come at a price, with Gold Tokens and Silver Tokens being needed. The helicopters also fly to special event destinations, last year the event took place in November 2019. There are also Special Red Class Helicopters (Red Sparrow, Red Crossbill and Red Goldfinch), these can not be purchased, but can only be received randomly as rewards during special events, under the Premium Class Pass Ticket. The helicopters will increase your flight income 100%
It will be important to understand that how long you have been playing your game, at what game level you are on and how you have progressed your game, will go a long way to determine your ability to collect gold tokens and silver tokens. The gold tokens will take time to collect in large quantities, whereas silver tokens will be easier to collect in large quantities, but both coloured tokens will be needed to purchase the S1 and S2 class helicopters.
You will need landing pads for each of the helicopters, you will need to purchase buildings and upgrade them, you will need fuel, tourists and flight items. The helicopters have their own unique set of flight items, fuel and tourists, separate from those used by the planes. The required items will need to be generated by the following buildings e.g. Tourist Buildings, Resource Base, Mechanical Plant, Hi-Tech Plant, Fuel Station H and Terminal H. You will need a considerable amount of land to accommodate the buildings (it will be important to note, you will not be able to remove some of the buildings, once you have placed them in your game). All these will come at a price, and you will need to consider this very carefully, along with all the other aspects of your game which you will want to be involved with.
It will be important to mention that the rewards of experience points and coins, earned from returning helicopter flights, will be small to begin with. The rewards earned, from completing flights to collect stars, will also be small to begin with. The amount of rewards will improve as you progress your game long term. You will have the option to increase your reward levels with a selection of bonuses, which you will be able to make use of with your fleet of helicopters e.g. Compass, Tourist Visa, Hot Lunch, Gold Propeller etc.
You will need to purchase and make solid the Alliance Office building, which can be placed on both sides of your game. The building will cost 10,000 gold coins, you will also need to complete the side bar mission, A United Front, in order to be able to purchase S2 helicopters (this also applies to S2 planes). It will be good idea to have the building in place, before you spend your gold tokens and silver tokens, otherwise you will need to wait for the construction of the building to be completed, before you make the building solid and live. You will also need to be a member of an Alliance Group. It will be important to have these three things in place, otherwise the S2's will not be available to you.
Along the bottom row of your game screen, you will find eight rectangular button options, centred in the middle of the screen. The 1st icon Flights Menu, 2nd icon Operative Hangar, 3rd icon Game Store Menu, 4th icon Warehouse Menu, 5th icon Collections Menu, 6th icon Game Site Management, 7th icon Alliance Group Information, Ratings World Map and Tables, Gift Items, Neighbours and 8th icon Settings Menu and Social Media. To access the Game Store Menu, you will first need to select the 3rd Icon (Silver Shopping Trolley).
To access the game store menu you will then need to select the 4th Icon, (Silver Helicopter), located along the top row of the game store menu. The menu will be in two parts, on the left hand side will be all the helicopters for sale, Standard Class, S1 Class, S2 Class, on the right hand side of the menu will display brief information for each of the helicopters you select, the helicopter tourist seat capacities, the flight destinations to National Parks (standard class), Water Falls (S1 class), Mountains (S2 class) and the speeds at which the S1 class and S2 class helicopters fly.
The standard class helicopters can be purchased with gold coins, they are relatively inexpensive to buy, whereas the S1 and S2 class helicopters can only be purchased with gold tokens and silver tokens, from the game store. The S2 class type helicopters will only be available to forum members, who are members of alliance groups. You will also be able to purchase them through the discount super sales with green notes.
Sparrow Collection Chest - Game Level 7
Crossbill Collections Chest - Game Level 22
Goldfinch Collections Chest - Game Level 35
The S1 and S2 class helicopters can be purchased during the super sales, at a 50% discount, which will take place four times a year, during Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The helicopters can only be purchased with green notes. When the discount super sale opens, you will find a large round red and yellow icon, it will have a large percentage sign in the centre and with a counter, located on the right hand side of your game screen. The icon will remain on the screen for a few days, during which you will be able to purchase S1 and S2 class helicopters: The S2 class type helicopters will only be available to forum members, who are members of alliance groups.
The S1 and S2 class helicopters will be mixed in with other discount super sale items e.g. S1 and S2 Class Planes, Mystery Super Buildings, Mystery Bonus, Mystery Super Bonus, Map Sets, Collections Chests and Helicopter Collection Chests, so you will need to be very careful not to purchase the wrong item. If you purchase an item in error, it will not be possible to undo your purchase.
You will not be able to purchase the Special Red Helicopters through normal game play, you will only be able to obtain them from the Mysterious Aircraft Bonus (you will receive one random Sparrow, Crossbill, Goldfinch helicopter when you open the bonus) through the special events Premium Class Ticket Pass, which you will need to pay to access during the event.
For more detailed information with regards to special events throughout the year, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - All The Twenty Six Special Events Throughout The Game Year
This section of the user guide displays all the flight items required to undertake helicopter flights, items required for the repairs of helicopters and the repair buildings needed. It will be a good idea to have a well stocked warehouse, so you will be able to undertake flights and make repairs as and when you need to. You will be able to save yourself a considerable amount of play time in this manner, by ensuring you are well stocked, otherwise you will need to wait to obtain the items before you are able to undertake flights and make repairs.
The sixteen items can only be obtained from the following three buildings, Hi Tech Plant (purchase price 45,000 gold coins), Mechanical Plant (purchase price 8,000 gold coins) and Resource Base L1-L3 (purchase price 150 gold coins, 2,500 gold coins, 28,000 gold coins). You will also need the following three buildings, Fuel Station H L1-L6 (this will produce the helicopter fuel), Terminal H L1-L6 (this will determine your tourist capacity) and Tourist Buildings (this will produce the tourists).
There are many helicopter related buildings which can not be sold from your game or moved to your warehouse, they will be a permanent feature on the airport side of your game, after you have purchased them and they have become solid and live. This is so for the Fuel Station H (all levels), Repair Base H (all levels), Terminal H (all levels), Command Centre (all levels), Hi Tech Plant and Meteorlogical Lab. The rest of the buildings can be removed and sold, Resource Base (all levels), Helicopters and Helicopter Launch Pads (all levels). As to the reason why this is so, is hard to say, you will therefore need to keep this in mind.
There are many forum members who look apon helicopters as a distraction from the more important aspects of Airport City e.g. flight destinations, excavation map flights, adventure map flights, alliance map flights, the space program, the city side and airport side land expansions, upgrading the main buildings, gifting to neighbours, the collection of resources from neighbours e.g. fuel, passengers, flight items etc.
Once you have reached this point in the user guide, and knowing what you now know, it will be for you to decide if the S1 and S2 class helicopters are worth buying, or if the standard class helicopters will meet your needs, when engaged with helicopter related activities. This is a decision which only you can make, you should not make the decision in a hurry.
For more detailed information with regards to gold tokens and silver tokens, you will need to read through the user guide, How To Obtain The Gold Tokens And The Silver Tokens During Long Term Active Game Play. The user guide will give you a far better understanding of these types of game currency.
For more detailed information with regards to using bonuses during your game, you will need to read through the user guide, The Airport City Game Bonuses - How To Collect Them And How To Use Them During Long Term Game Play,
It will also be useful to read through the user guide, The Airport City Fleet of Planes - Standard, S1, S2, S3 Class, Guest, Special, Guest Mail, Tropical, with regards to purchasing planes with gold tokens and silver tokens
Last Updated: Saturday 18th January 2025 at 11.15am London UK Time
It will be important to understand that how long you have been playing your game, at what game level you are on and how you have progressed your game, will go a long way to determine your ability to collect gold tokens and silver tokens. The gold tokens will take time to collect in large quantities, whereas silver tokens will be easier to collect in large quantities, but both coloured tokens will be needed to purchase the S1 and S2 class helicopters.
You will need landing pads for each of the helicopters, you will need to purchase buildings and upgrade them, you will need fuel, tourists and flight items. The helicopters have their own unique set of flight items, fuel and tourists, separate from those used by the planes. The required items will need to be generated by the following buildings e.g. Tourist Buildings, Resource Base, Mechanical Plant, Hi-Tech Plant, Fuel Station H and Terminal H. You will need a considerable amount of land to accommodate the buildings (it will be important to note, you will not be able to remove some of the buildings, once you have placed them in your game). All these will come at a price, and you will need to consider this very carefully, along with all the other aspects of your game which you will want to be involved with.
It will be important to mention that the rewards of experience points and coins, earned from returning helicopter flights, will be small to begin with. The rewards earned, from completing flights to collect stars, will also be small to begin with. The amount of rewards will improve as you progress your game long term. You will have the option to increase your reward levels with a selection of bonuses, which you will be able to make use of with your fleet of helicopters e.g. Compass, Tourist Visa, Hot Lunch, Gold Propeller etc.
You will need to purchase and make solid the Alliance Office building, which can be placed on both sides of your game. The building will cost 10,000 gold coins, you will also need to complete the side bar mission, A United Front, in order to be able to purchase S2 helicopters (this also applies to S2 planes). It will be good idea to have the building in place, before you spend your gold tokens and silver tokens, otherwise you will need to wait for the construction of the building to be completed, before you make the building solid and live. You will also need to be a member of an Alliance Group. It will be important to have these three things in place, otherwise the S2's will not be available to you.
Along the bottom row of your game screen, you will find eight rectangular button options, centred in the middle of the screen. The 1st icon Flights Menu, 2nd icon Operative Hangar, 3rd icon Game Store Menu, 4th icon Warehouse Menu, 5th icon Collections Menu, 6th icon Game Site Management, 7th icon Alliance Group Information, Ratings World Map and Tables, Gift Items, Neighbours and 8th icon Settings Menu and Social Media. To access the Game Store Menu, you will first need to select the 3rd Icon (Silver Shopping Trolley).
To access the game store menu you will then need to select the 4th Icon, (Silver Helicopter), located along the top row of the game store menu. The menu will be in two parts, on the left hand side will be all the helicopters for sale, Standard Class, S1 Class, S2 Class, on the right hand side of the menu will display brief information for each of the helicopters you select, the helicopter tourist seat capacities, the flight destinations to National Parks (standard class), Water Falls (S1 class), Mountains (S2 class) and the speeds at which the S1 class and S2 class helicopters fly.
The standard class helicopters can be purchased with gold coins, they are relatively inexpensive to buy, whereas the S1 and S2 class helicopters can only be purchased with gold tokens and silver tokens, from the game store. The S2 class type helicopters will only be available to forum members, who are members of alliance groups. You will also be able to purchase them through the discount super sales with green notes.
Sparrow Standard Class | Sparrow S1 Class | Sparrow S2 Class | Crossbill Standard Class | Crossbill S1 Class | Crossbill S2 Class | Goldfinch Standard Class | Goldfinch S1 Class | Goldfinch S2 Class |
Sparrow Special Red | Crossbill Special Red | Goldfinch Special Red |
Sparrow Helicopter (Standard Flight) Purchase 300 Coins, Sale 30 Coins
Sparrow S1 Helicopter (10% faster) Purchase 4 Gold Tokens, 40 Silver Tokens - Sale 500 Coins
Sparrow S2 Helicopter (30% faster) Purchase 10 Gold Tokens, 100 Silver Tokens - Sale 1,000 Coins Alliance Office Required
Helicopter Launch Pad - Level 1 Purchase 200 Coins
Standard Destinations - Training Flight H, Yellowstone, Lake Baikai, Snowdonia, Fiordland, Banff
Alliance Destinations - Airport City - Southam, Agoura Hills, Cary, Hunt Valley, McLean
Special Event Destinations - Celestial Festival - Sequoia. Huanglong, World of Wildlife - Lake Neusied, Alatau
Flight Items Required - Microcircuit, Gear, Varnish, Senor
Repair Items Required - Microcircuit, Gear, Varnish, Senor - Sparrow, Sparrow S1-S2, Red Sparrow
Flight Items Building Required - Resource Base Level 1 (150 Coins), Level 2 (2,500 Coins), Level 3 (28,000 Coins)
Fuel and Tourist Required - 5 Fuel Units and 4 Tourist
Game Store Purchase 32 Green Notes
Bank Discount Sale -30%, 22 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount -50% 16 Green Notes
There are 25 items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Sparrow Helicopter flights collections, Warm Welcome, On the Hook, Photo Opportunity, Long Hike, Lucky Club
Sparrow Destinations - Flights, Status, Star Rewards
Training H - 4 Specialist (50 Fuel Units), 10 Master (Gift Set), 20 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Yellowstone - 9 Specialist (250 Gold Coins), 17 Master (Gift Set), 35 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Lake Baikai - 17 Specialist (300 Gold Coins), 35 Master (Gift Set), 69 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Snowdonia - 17 Specialist (400 Gold Coins), 35 Master (Gift Set), 69 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Fiordland - 20 Specialist (450 Gold Coins), 39 Master (Gift Set), 79 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Banff - 20 Specialist (550 Gold Coins), 41 Master (Gift Set), 81 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Southam - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 400 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Agoura Hills - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 400 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Cary - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 400 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Hunt Valley - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 400 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
McLean - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 400 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Sequoia - 15 Specialist (300 Gold Coins), 30 Master (Gift Set), 60 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Huanglong - 17 Specialist (400 Gold Coins), 35 Master (Gift Set), 69 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Lake Neusied - 9 Specialist (250 Gold Coins), 17 Master (Gift Set), 35 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Alatau - 17 Specialist (300 Gold Coins), 35 Master (Gift Set), 69 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Sparrow Destinations - Flights, Fuel, Tourist, 3 Stars
Training H - 34 Flights = 170 Fuel Units, 136 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Yellowstone - 61 Flights = 305 Fuel Units, 244 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Lake Baikai - 121 Flights = 605 Fuel Units, 484 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Snowdonia - 121 Flights = 605 Fuel Units, 484 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Fiordland - 138 Flights = 690 Fuel Units, 552 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Banff - 142 Flights = 710 Fuel Units, 568 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Southam - 1,450 Flights = 7,250 Fuel Units, 5,800 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Agoura Hills - 1,450 Flights = 7,250 Fuel Units, 5,800 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Cary - 1,450 Flights = 7,250 Fuel Units, 5,800 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Hunt Valley - 1,450 Flights = 7,250 Fuel Units, 5,800 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
McLean - 1,450 Flights = 7,250 Fuel Units, 5,800 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Sequoia - 105 Flights = 525 Fuel Units, 420 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Huanglong - 119 Flights = 595 Fuel Units, 476 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Lake Neusied - 61 Flights = 305 Fuel Units, 244 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Alataus - 121 Flights = 605 Fuel Units, 484 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Sparrow Destinations - Flight Rewards
Training H - 5 Gold Coins - 5 Experience Points - 34 Flights = 170 Gold Coins - 170 Experience Points
Yellowstone - 30 Gold Coins - 3 Experience Points - 61 Flights = 1,830 Gold Coins - 181 Experience Points
Lake Baikai - 38 Gold Coins - 5 Experience Points - 121 Flights = 4,598 Gold Coins - 605 Experience Points
Snowdonia - 45 Gold Coins - 6 Experience Points - 121 Flights = 5,445 Gold Coins - 726 Experience Points
Fiordland - 55 Gold Coins - 8 Experience Points - 138 Flights = 7,590 Gold Coins - 1,104 Experience Points
Banff - 60 Gold Coins - 9 Experience Points - 142 Flights = 8,520 Gold Coins - 1,278 Experience Points
Southam - 50 Gold Coins - 3 Experience Points - 1,450 Flights = 72,500 Gold Coins - 4350 Experience Points
Agoura Hills - 45 Gold Coins - 4 Experience Points - 1,450 Flights = 65,250 Gold Coins - 5,800 Experience Points
Cary -50 Gold Coins - 5 Experience Points - 1,450 Flights = 72,500 Gold Coins - 7,250 Experience Points
Hunt Valley -
McLean - 50 Gold Coins - 5 Experience Points - 1,450 Flights = 72,500 Gold Coins - 7,250 Experience Points
Sequoia -35 Gold Coins - 3 Experience Points - 105 Flights = 3,675 Gold Coins - 315 Experience Points
Huanglong - 50 Gold Coins - 6 Experience Points - 119 Flights = 5,950 Gold Coins - 714 Experience Points
Lake Neusied - 55 Gold Coins - 3 Experience Points - 61 Flights = 3,355 Gold Coins - 183 Experience Points
Alatau - 80 Gold Coins - 5 Experience Points - 121 Flights = 9,680 Gold Coins - 605 Experience Points
Sparrow Helicopter Flight Collections
Lucky Club 200 Gold Coins, 100 Experience, Golf Club Bonus +3%, Radius 1, 30 Gold Coins, 4 Hours
Long Hike 200 Gold Coins, 100 Experience, Tour Stall Bonus +2%, Radius 1, 310 Gold Coins, 1 Hour
Photo Opportunity 200 Gold Coins, 100 Experience, Optical Store Bonus +2%, Radius 1, 13 Gold Coins, 20 Minutes
On The Hook 200 Gold Coins, 100 Experience, Fishing Store Bonus +1%, Radius 1 Tile, 9 Gold Coins, 10 Minutes
Warm Welcome 200 Gold Coins, 100 Experience, Sauna Bonus +1%, Radius 1 Tile, 6 Gold Coins, 5 Minutes
Crossbill Helicopter (Standard Flight) Purchase 24,000 Coins - Sale 2,400 Coins
Crossbill S1 Helicopter (10% faster) Purchase 10 Gold Tokens, 100 Silver Tokens - Sale 1,000 Coins
Crossbill S2 Helicopter (30% faster) Purchase 20 Gold Tokens, 200 Silver Tokens - Sale 2,000 Coins Alliance Office Required
Helicopter Launch Pad - Level 2 Purchase Price 12,000 Gold Coins
Standard Destinations - Iguazu Falls, Angel Falls, Victoria Falls, Niagra Falls, Rideau Falls
Alliance Destinations - Airport City Event - Bethesda, Redwood City, Guildford, Montreuil, Bellevue
Special Destinations - Celestial Festival - Ruacana Falls, Kaieteur Falls - World of Wildlife - Jasper National Park, Serengeti National Park
Flight Items Required - Emergency Parachute, Drive, Tail Rotor, Valve, Swivel Bearing, Pyramid Traffic Cone
Repair Items Required - Valve, Drive, Tail Rotor - Crossbill, Crossbill S1-S2, Red Crossbill
Flight Items Building Required - Mechanical Plant 8,000 Coins
Fuel and Tourist Required - 8 Fuel Units and 6 Tourist
Game Store Purchase 50 Green Notes
Bank Discount Sale -30%, 35 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount -50% 25 Green Notes
There are 25 items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Crossbill Helicopter flights collections, In Search of Eldorado, Conquering Heights, Rapid Descent, Adrenaline Rush, Upward Flow
Crossbill Destinations - Flights and Star Rewards
Iguazu Falls - 20 Specialist (600 Gold Coins), 39 Master (Gift Set), 79 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Angel Falls - 23 Specialist (600 Gold Coins), 46 Master (Gift Set), 92 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Victoria Falls - 26 Specialist (750 Gold Coins), 53 Master (Gift Set), 105 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Niagra Falls - 30 Specialist (50 Fuel Units), 60 Master (Gift Set), 120 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Rideau Falls - 30 Specialist (50 Fuel Units), 60 Master (Gift Set), 120 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Bethesda - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 400 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Redwood City - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 400 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Guildford - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 400 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Montreuil - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 400 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Bellevue - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 400 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Ruacana Falls - 20 Specialist (600 Gold Coins), 39 Master (Gift Set), 79 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Kaieteur Falls - 23 Specialist (600 Gold Coins), 46 Master (Gift Set), 92 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Jasper National Park - 20 Specialist (600 Gold Coins), 39 Master (Gift Set), 79 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Serengeti National Park - 26 Specialist (750 Gold Coins), 53 Master (Gift Set), 105 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Crossbill Destinations - Flights, Fuel, Tourist, 3 Stars
Iguazu Falls - 138 Flights = 1,104 Fuel Units, 828 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Angel Falls - 161 Flights = 1,288 Fuel Units, 966 Tourist - To Complete 3 Stars
Victoria Falls - 184 Flights = 1,472 Fuel Units, 1,104 Tourist - To Complete 3 Stars
Niagra Falls - 210 Fights = 1,680 Fuel Units, 1,260 Tourist - To Complete 3 Stars
Rideau Falls - 210 Flights = 1,680 Fuel Units, 1,260 Tourist - To Complete 3 Stars
Bethesda -1,450 Flights = 11,600 Fuel Units, 8,700 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Redwood City - 1,450 Flights = 11,600 Fuel Units, 8,700 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Guildford - 1,450 Flights = 11,600 Fuel Units, 8,700 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Montreuil - 1,450 Flights = 11,600 Fuel Units, 8,700 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Bellevue - 1,450 Flights = 11,600 Fuel Units, 8,700 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Ruacana Falls - 138 Flights = 1,104 Fuel Units, 828 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Kaieteur Falls - 161 Flights = 1,288 Fuel Units, 966 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Jasper National Park - 138 Flights = 1,104 Fuel Units, 828 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Serengeti National Park - 184 Flights = 1,472 Fuel Units, 1,104 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Crossbill Destinations - Flights Rewards
Iguazu Falls - 209 Gold Coins - 11 Experience Points - 138 Flights = 28,842 Gold Coins - 1,518 Experience Points
Angel Falls - 257 Gold Coins - 15 Experience Points - 161 Flights = 41,377 Gold Coins - 2,415 Experience Points
Victoria Falls - 328 Gold Coins - 19 Experience Points - 184 Flights = 60,352 Gold Coins - 3,496 Experience Points
Niagra Falls - 509 Gold Coins - 30 Experience Points - 210 Flights = 106,890 Gold Coins - 6,300 Experience Points
Rideau Falls - 741 Gold Coins - 45 Experience Points - 210 Flights = 155,610 Gold Coins - 9,450 Experience Points
Bethesda - 150 Gold Coins - 10 Experience Points - 1,450 Flights = 217,500 Gold Coins - 14,500 Experience Points
Redwood City - 138 Gold Coins - 12 Experience Points - 1,450 Flights = 200,100 Gold Coins - 17,400 Experience Points
Guildford - 145 Gold Coins - 11 Experience Points - 1,450 Flights = 210,250 Gold Coins - 15,950 Experience Points
Montreuil - 140 Gold Coins - 15 Experience Points - 1,450 Flights = 203,000 Gold Coins - 21,750 Experience Points
Bellevue - 150 Gold Coins - 10 Experience Points - 1,450 Flights = 217,500 Gold Coins - 14,500 Experience Points
Ruacana Falls - 85 Gold Coins - 11 Experience Points - 138 Flights = 11,730 Gold Coins - 1,518 Experience Points
Kaieteur Falls - 100 Gold Coins - 15 Experience Points - 161 Flights = 16,100 Gold Coins - 2,415 Experience Points
Jasper National Park - 220 Gold Coins - 13 Experience Points - 138 Flights = 30,360 Gold Coins - 1,794 Experience Points
Serengeti National Park - 290 Gold Coins - 17 Experience Points - 184 Flights = 53,360 Gold Coins - 3,128 Experience Points
Crossbill Helicopter Flight Collections
Upward Flow 400 Gold Coins, 200 Experience, Lounge Bar Bonus +5%, Radius 1, 25 Gold Coins, 1 Hour
Adrenaline Rush 400 Gold Coins, 200 Experience, Base Jumping School Bonus +4%, Radius 1, 15 Gold Coins, 1 Hour
Rapid Descent 400 Gold Coins, 200 Experience, Boat Store Bonus +4%, Radius 1, 34 Gold Coins, 5 Hours
Conquering Heights 400 Gold Coins, 200 Experience, RC Toys Bonus +3%, Radius 1, 15 Gold Coins, 25 Minutes
In Search of Eldorado 400 Gold Coins, 200 Experience, Museum of Gold Bonus +3%, Radius 1, 6 Gold Coins, 2 Hours
Goldfinch Helicopter (Standard Flight) Purchase 88,000 Coins - Sale 8,800 Coins
Goldfinch S1 Helicopter (10% faster) Purchase 20 Gold Tokens - 200 Silver Tokens - Sale 2,000 Coins
Goldfinch S2 Helicopter (30% faster) Purchase 30 Gold Tokens - 500 Silver Tokens - Sale 4,000 Coins Alliance Office Required
Helicopter Launch Pad - Level 3 Purchase Price 95,000 Coins
Flight Destinations - Denali, Jaya, Aconcagua, Stanley, Mont Blanc
Standard Destinations - Denali, Jaya, Aconcagua, Stanley, Mont Blanc
Alliance Destinations - Airport City - Shreveport, Irvine, Garland, Espoo, Lyon
Special Events Destinations - Celestial Festival - Mount Cook, Matterhorn - World of Wildlife - Mount Lu, Jim Corbett National Park
Flight Items Required - Ground Light, Wind Cone, Landing Skid, Radio Set, Shield Marker, Swash Plate
Repair Items Required - Radio Set, Landing Skid, Swash Plate - Goldfinch, Goldfinch S1-S2, Red Goldfinch
Flight Items Building Required - Hi-Tech Plant 45,000 Coins
Fuel and Tourist Required - 12 Fuel Units and 9 Tourist
Game Store Purchase 70 Green Notes
Bank Discount Sale -30%, 49 Green Notes
Super Sale Discount -50% 35 Green Notes
There are 25 items contained in this chest, you will receive 5 random items from Goldfinch Helicopter flights collections, Flips And Spins, Secrets of A Long Life, Shadow of The Past, Storm Gas Set The Heavens Scowling, On A Ski Slope
Goldfinch Destinations - Flights and Star Rewards
Denali - 30 Specialist (Fuel 50 Units), 60 Master (Gift Set), 120 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Jaya - 30 Specialist (Fuel 50 Units), 60 Master (Gift Set), 120 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Aconcagua - 50 Specialist (Fuel 50 Units), 100 Master (Gift Set), 150 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Stanley - 50 Specialist (Fuel 50 Units), 100 Master (Gift Set), 150 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Mont Blanc - 50 Specialist (Fuel 50 Units), 100 Master (Gift Set), 150 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Shreveport - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 400 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Irvine - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 400 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Garland - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 100 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Espoo - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 100 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Lyon - 50 Specialist (Gift Set), 400 Master (Mystery Bonus), 1,000 Expert (Mystery Super Bonus)
Mount Cook - 30 Specialist (Fuel 150 Units), 60 Master (Gift Set), 120 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Matterhorn - 30 Specialist (Fuel 150 Units), 60 Master (Gift Set), 120 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Mount Lu - 30 Specialist (Fuel 150 Units), 60 Master (Gift Set), 120 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Jim Corbett National Park - 30 Specialist (Fuel 150 Units), 60 Master (Gift Set), 120 Expert (Large Gift Set)
Goldfinch Destinations - Flights, Fuel and Tourist - 3 Stars
Denali - 210 Flights = 2,520 Fuel Units, 1,890 Tourist - To Complete 3 Stars
Jaya - 210 Flights = 2,520 Fuel Units, 1,890 Tourist - To Complete 3 Stars
Aconcagua - 300 Flights = 3,600 Fuel Units, 2,700 Tourist - To Complete 3 Stars
Stanley - 300 Flights = 3,600 Fuel Units, 2,700 Tourist - To Complete 3 Stars
Mont Blanc - 300 Flights = 3,600 Fuel Units, 2,700 Tourist - To Complete 3 Stars
Shreveport - 1,450 Flights = 17,400 Fuel Units, 13,050 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Irvine - 1,450 Flights = 17,400 Fuel Units, 13,050 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Garland - 1,450 Flights = 17,400 Fuel Units, 13,050 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Espoo - 1,450 Flights = 17,400 Fuel Units, 13,050 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Lyon - 1,450 Flights = 17,400 Fuel Units, 13,050 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Mount Cook - 1,450 Flights = 17,400 Fuel Units, 13,050 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Matterhorn - 1,450 Flights = 17,400 Fuel Units, 13,050 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Mount Lu - 1,450 Flights = 17,400 Fuel Units, 13,050 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Jim Corbett National Park - 1,450 Flights = 17,400 Fuel Units, 13,050 Tourists - To Complete 3 Stars
Goldfinch Destinations - Flights Rewards
Denali - 1,274 Gold Coins, 70 Experience Points
Jaya - 1,672 Gold Coins, 90 Experience Points
Aconcagua - 1,700 Gold Coins, 110 Experience Points
Stanley - 2,122 Gold Coins, 135 Experience Points
Mont Blanc - 2,659 Gold Coins, 165 Experience Points
Shreveport - 590 Gold Coins, 70 Experience Points
Irvine - 590 Gold Coins, 70 Experience Points
Garland - 590 Gold Coins, 70 Experience Points
Espoo - 590 Gold Coins, 70 Experience Points
Lyon - 600 Gold Coins, 75 Experience Points
Mount Cook - 150 Gold Coins, 70 Experience Points
Matterhorn - 200 Gold Coins, 90 Experience Points
Mount Lu - 1,480 Gold Coins, 80 Experience Points
Jim Corbett National Park - 1,690 Gold Coins, 100 Experience Points
Goldfinch Helicopter Flight Collections
Flips and Spins 600 Gold Coins, 300 Experience, Winter Hotel Bonus +5%, Radius 2, 11 Gold Coins, 10 Minutes
On A Ski Slope 600 Gold Coins, 300 Experience, Skiing Facility Bonus +1%, Radius 3, 22 Gold Coins, 1 Hour
Secrets of A Long Life 600 Gold Coins, 300 Experience, Detox Hotel Bonus +5%, Radius 2, 35 Gold Coins, 4 Hour
Shadow of The Past 600 Gold Coins, 300 Experience, Archaeological Camp Bonus +5%, Radius 2, 10 Gold Coins, 4 Hour
Storm Has The Heavens Scowling 600 Gold Coins, 300 Experience, Camp Bonus +1%, Radius 5, 4 Gold Coins, 15 Minutes
Available From Game Level 7 Purchase Price 200 Gold Coins Needed for Sparrow Maintenance | Available From Game Level 22 Purchase Price 2,000 Gold Coins Needed for Crossbill Maintenance | Available From Game Level 35 Purchase Price 95,000 Gold Coins Needed for Goldfinch Maintenance | |||
Helicopter Pad L1 | Helicopter Pad L2 | Helicopter Pad L3 |
Sparrow S1 Helicopter (10% faster) - Purchase Price - 12 Green Notes (-50% discount)
Sparrow S2 Helicopter (30% faster) - Purchase Price - 30 Green Notes (-50% discount) - Alliance Office Required
Crossbill S1 Helicopter (10% faster) - Purchase Price - 30 Green Notes (-50% discount)
Crossbill S2 Helicopter (30% faster) - Purchase Price - 60 Green Notes (-50% discount) - Alliance Office Required
Goldfinch S1 Helicopter (10% faster) - Purchase Price - 60 Green Notes (-50% discount)
Goldfinch S2 Helicopter (30% faster) - Purchase Price - 120 Green Notes (-50% discount) - Alliance Office Required
The S1 and S2 class helicopters will be mixed in with other discount super sale items e.g. S1 and S2 Class Planes, Mystery Super Buildings, Mystery Bonus, Mystery Super Bonus, Map Sets, Collections Chests and Helicopter Collection Chests, so you will need to be very careful not to purchase the wrong item. If you purchase an item in error, it will not be possible to undo your purchase.
Helicopter Pad - Level One
Standard Flights - Training Flight H, Yellowstone, Lake Baikal, Snowdonia, Fiordland, Banff
Event Flights - World of Wildlife (Lake Neusied, Alatau), Celestial Festival (Sequoia, Huanglong), Airport City (Southam, Agoura Hills, Cary, Hunt Valley, McLean)
Special Feature - Red Helicopter Will Increase Income By +100%
Helicopter Pad - Level Two
Standard Flights - Iguazu Falls, Angel Falls, Victoria Falls, Niagara Falls, Rideau Falls
Event Flights - Airport City (Bethesda, Redwood City, Guildford, Montreuil, Bellevue), Celestial Festival (Ruacana Falls, Kaieteur Falls), World of Wildlife (Jasper National Park, Serengeti National Park)
Special Feature - Red Helicopter Will Increase Income By +100%
Helicopter Pad - Level Three
Standard Flights - Denali, Jaya, Aconcagua, Stanley, Mont Blanc
Event Flights - Airport City (Shreveport, Irvine, Garland, Espoo, Lyon), Celestial Festival (Mount Cook, Matterhorn), World of Wildlife (Mount Lu, Jim Corbett National Park)
Special Feature - Red Helicopter Will Increase Income By +100%
For more detailed information with regards to special events throughout the year, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - All The Twenty Six Special Events Throughout The Game Year
This section of the user guide displays all the flight items required to undertake helicopter flights, items required for the repairs of helicopters and the repair buildings needed. It will be a good idea to have a well stocked warehouse, so you will be able to undertake flights and make repairs as and when you need to. You will be able to save yourself a considerable amount of play time in this manner, by ensuring you are well stocked, otherwise you will need to wait to obtain the items before you are able to undertake flights and make repairs.
Drive | Emergency Parachute | Gear | Ground Light | Landing Skid | Microcircuit | Pyrimid Traffic Cone | Radio Set |
Sensor | Shield Marker | Swash Plane | Swivel Bearing | Tail Rotor | Valve | Varnish | Wind Cone |
The sixteen items can only be obtained from the following three buildings, Hi Tech Plant (purchase price 45,000 gold coins), Mechanical Plant (purchase price 8,000 gold coins) and Resource Base L1-L3 (purchase price 150 gold coins, 2,500 gold coins, 28,000 gold coins). You will also need the following three buildings, Fuel Station H L1-L6 (this will produce the helicopter fuel), Terminal H L1-L6 (this will determine your tourist capacity) and Tourist Buildings (this will produce the tourists).
Resource Base L1-L3 Buildings
The four items will need to be purchased from the Resource Base Buildings, they will be required for helicopter flights and helicopter repairs for Sparrow, Sparrow S1-S2, Red Sparrow class helicopters.
Flight Items Required - Microcircuit (10 Gold Coins), Gear (15 Gold Coins), Varnish (20 Gold Coins), Senor (27 Gold Coins)
Repair Items Required - Microcircuit (10 Gold Coins), Gear (15 Gold Coins), Varnish (20 Gold Coins), Senor (27 Gold Coins)
Resource Base L1-L3 Buildings Production Slots
Level 1 - 1st Slot Free, 2nd Slot Free, Level 2 1st Additional Slot Free, 2nd Additional Slot 20 Green Notes, Level 3 1st Additional Slot Free, 2nd Additional Slot 40 Green Notes
Mechanical Plant Buildings
The six items can not be purchased, they can only be obtained by taking items from the Resource Base L1-L3 Buildings, they will be required for helicopter flights and helicopter repairs, Crossbill, Crossbill S1-S2, Red Crossbill class helicopters - Flight Items Required - Emergency Parachute, Drive, Tail Rotor, Valve, Swivel Bearing, Pyramid Traffic Cone, Repair Items Required - Valve, Drive, Tail Rotor
Drive - 1 Gear and 1 Sensor - Emergency Parachute - 1 Sensor and 1 Microcircuit
Pyramid Traffic Cone - 1 Varnish and 1 Microcircuit - Swivel Bearing - 1 Varnish and 1 Gear
Valve - 1 Microcircuit and 1 Gear - Tail Rotor - 1 Varnish and 1 Sensor
Mechanical Plant Buildings Production Slots
Slot 0 Available Free, 1st Slot Free, 2nd Slot Free, 3rd Slot 5 Green Notes, 4th Slot 10 Green Notes, 5th Slot 15 Green Notes, 6th Slot 20 Green Notes, 8th Slot 40 Green Notes
Hi-Tech Plant Buildings
The six items can not be purchased, they can only be obtained by taking items from the Mechanical Plants Buildings, they will be required for helicopter flights and helicopter repairs, Goldfinch, Goldfinch S1-S2, Red Goldfinch class helicopters - Flight Items Required - Ground Light, Wind Cone, Landing Skid, Radio Set, Shield Marker, Swash Plate, Repair Items Required - Radio Set, Landing Skid, Swash Plate
Ground Light - 1 Pyramid Traffic Cone, 3 Sensor, 2 Microcircuit - Landing Skid - 2 Sensor, 2 Varnish, 2 Gear
Radio Set - 3 Microcircuit, 2 Varnish - Shield Marker - 4 Pyramid Traffic Cone, 1 Swivel Bearing, 1 Drive
Swash Plane - 1 Valve, 3 Swivel Bearing, 1 Drive - Wind Cone - 3 Sensor, 2 Emergency Parachute
Hi-Tech Plant Production Slots
0 Slot Available Free, 1st Slot Free, 2nd Slot Free, 3rd Slot 5 Green Notes, 4th Slot 10 Green Notes, 5th Slot 15 Green Notes, 6th Slot 20 Green Notes, 8th Slot 40 Green Notes
Resource Base Level 1 | Resource Base Level 2 | Resource Base Level 3 | Mechanical Plant | Hi Tech Plant |
Repair Base H Level 1 - Level 3 Buildings
Repair Base H Level 1
The building is required for the repair of Sparrow Helicopters, Standard Class, S1 Class and S2 Class. The maximum number of repair slots you can have is 3 (1st Slot Free, 2nd Slot 10 GN, 3rd Slot 10 GN)
Repair Base H Level 2
The building is required for the repair of Crossbill Helicopters, Standard Class, S1 Class and S2 Class. The maximum number of repair slots you can have is 4 (1st Slot Free, 2nd Slot 10 GN, 3rd Slot 10 GN, 4th Slot 20 GN).
Repair Base H Level 3
The building is required for the repair of Goldfinch Helicopters. Standard Class, S1 Class and S2 Class. The maximum number of repair slots you can have is 5 (1st Slot Free, 2nd Slot 10 GN, 3rd Slot 10 GN, 4th Slot 20 GN, 5th Slot 20 GN)
Available From Game Level 11 Purchase Price 700 Gold Coins Needed for Sparrow Repairs | Available From Game Level 25 Purchase Price 60,000 Gold Coins Needed for Crossbill Repairs | Available From Game Level 38 Purchase Price 600,000 Gold Coins Needed for Goldfinch Repairs | |||
Repair Base H L1 | Repair Base H L2 | Repair Base H L3 |
There are many helicopter related buildings which can not be sold from your game or moved to your warehouse, they will be a permanent feature on the airport side of your game, after you have purchased them and they have become solid and live. This is so for the Fuel Station H (all levels), Repair Base H (all levels), Terminal H (all levels), Command Centre (all levels), Hi Tech Plant and Meteorlogical Lab. The rest of the buildings can be removed and sold, Resource Base (all levels), Helicopters and Helicopter Launch Pads (all levels). As to the reason why this is so, is hard to say, you will therefore need to keep this in mind.
There are many forum members who look apon helicopters as a distraction from the more important aspects of Airport City e.g. flight destinations, excavation map flights, adventure map flights, alliance map flights, the space program, the city side and airport side land expansions, upgrading the main buildings, gifting to neighbours, the collection of resources from neighbours e.g. fuel, passengers, flight items etc.
Once you have reached this point in the user guide, and knowing what you now know, it will be for you to decide if the S1 and S2 class helicopters are worth buying, or if the standard class helicopters will meet your needs, when engaged with helicopter related activities. This is a decision which only you can make, you should not make the decision in a hurry.
For more detailed information with regards to gold tokens and silver tokens, you will need to read through the user guide, How To Obtain The Gold Tokens And The Silver Tokens During Long Term Active Game Play. The user guide will give you a far better understanding of these types of game currency.
For more detailed information with regards to using bonuses during your game, you will need to read through the user guide, The Airport City Game Bonuses - How To Collect Them And How To Use Them During Long Term Game Play,
It will also be useful to read through the user guide, The Airport City Fleet of Planes - Standard, S1, S2, S3 Class, Guest, Special, Guest Mail, Tropical, with regards to purchasing planes with gold tokens and silver tokens
Last Updated: Saturday 18th January 2025 at 11.15am London UK Time
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