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How To Accelerate Your Fleet of Airplanes And Helicopters During Flights And Reduce The Destination Flight Times

I have written this user guide for those of you who are relatively new to the game of Airport City and have not been playing for very long. The user guide will provide you with information on how to accelerate your airplanes and helicopters and reduce destination flight times. There will be a number of game options available to you, Fuel Catalyst, Airplane And Helicopter Speed Ups, Game Bonuses, Airplane Liveries With Benefits and Airplane And Helicopter S1, S2, S3 Class Types, which will be explored in this user guide. It will be extremely important to know all of your options and how best to make the most of them.

During the early stages of your game you will have a small number of airplanes in your fleet, a limited amount of land for game development, a small series of residential, commercial and industrial buildings, limited passenger and fuel capacity, limited electricity capacity, limited game play resources and limited game income of gold coins and green notes. Because of this you will most likely not have any helicopters and any of the associated buildings required to operate a small fleet of Sparrow helicopters. This will be a good thing for your game, although you will not know this at the time. The facilities needed for the basic operation of helicopters will be quite significant. You will need to produce all of the helicopter items for each flight, this process will not take place automatically, you will need to instigate the process repeatedly and ensure your resources are replenished, once they are spent.

To obtain the necessary flight items will take time to do so, and will require helicopter associated buildings. You will need the Resource Base (Levels 1-3) building to produce (Microcircuit, Varnish, Gear, Senor) for Sparrow flight and repair items . You will need the Mechanical Plant building to produce (Valve, Pyramid Traffic Cone, Swivel Bearing, Emergency Parachute, Drive, Tail Rotor) for Crossbill flight and repair items. You will need the Hi-Tech Plant building to produce (Radio Set, Ground Light, Landing Skid, Wind Cone, Swash Plate, Shield Marker) for Goldfinch flight and repair items. The Mechanical Plant building will take resources from the Resource Base building, the Hi-Tech Plant building will take resources from the Mechanical Plant building. While you will be able to prepare for and undertake Sparrow helicopter lower level flights, it will become increasingly harder when you progress to the Crossbill and then the Goldfinch helicopters. You will also need to construct additional buildings, Fuel Station H (Levels 1-6), Repair Base H (Levels 1-3), Command Centre (Levels 1-6), Terminal H (Levels 1-6) and Meteorological Lab, they will be an essential part of the helicopter operation.

With this in mind, I would strongly suggest you leave the helicopters for much later on in your game, when you are well established. There will be far more important aspects of your game to deal with, which you will need to focus on, during the early stages of your game, It is so very easy to spread yourself far and wide across the game, and become somewhat overwhelmed.

Airplane Ready Take Off Icon
Airplane In Flight Icon
Helicopter Ready Take Off Icon
Helicopter in Flight Icon

The use of Fuel Catalyst will speed up your flights, this can be received as gifts from your neighbours, you can also purchase a Fuel Catalyst Pack (the chest will contain 50 fuel catalyst) from the Game Store for 10 Green Notes (available from game level 6). You will have 5 minutes, when this options becomes available, in which to accelerate your airplanes and helicopters, by clicking on the blue and white Chevron Arrows on the Flight Progress Bar. You will be able to do this five times in a day, while flights are in the air, the number of times each airplane can be accelerated will be determined by the airplane in question, Condor can be accelerated three times, Giant, Jumbo, Eagle, Raven and Hawk can be accelerated twice, Thunderbird, Falcon, Owl, Crossbill Goldfinch can be accelerated once. The smaller vehicles Swallow, Swift and Sparrow can not be accelerated during flights.

Giant, Jumbo,
Eagle, Raven, Hawk
Thunderbird, Falcon, Owl
Crossbill, Goldfinch
Swift, Sparrow
xxx Swallow, Swift, Owl, Hawk, Raven, Eagle.png
Flight Progress Bar
Chevron Arrow x3 Acceleration
Flight Progress Bar
Chevron Arrow x2 Acceleration
Flight Progress Bar
Chevron Arrow x1 Acceleration
Flight Progress Bar
No Acceleration

When you click on an airplane and/or helicopter chevron arrow you will be able to find out how long it will be before you are able to accelerate the airborne vehicle in question. The time displayed will either be in Minutes and Seconds or Hours and Minutes, this will be determined by the airborne vehicle and the associated chevron arrow you have selected.

Minutes And Seconds
First Example
Hours And Minutes
Second Example

I have listed below the full range of standard destination flight range times without and with Fuel Catalyst. The table will give you a good understanding on how long standard flights can last. The figures will be based on standard destinations, airplane and helicopter class types. It will not be possible or even practical to list every single standard destination and flight time in this user guide, there are currently 110 destinations for airplanes and 16 destinations for helicopters.

Swallow And Swift Airplanes - 1 minute to 20 minutes​
There are 4 Flight Destinations Available​
Fuel Catalyst - Reduce Flight Times Roughly 3 Minutes​
Falcon Airplanes - 3 hours
There are 12 Flight Destinations Available
Fuel Catalyst - Reduce Flight Time Roughly 25 Minutes
Owl Airplanes - 30 minutes to 2 hours​
There Are 11 Flight Destinations Available​
Fuel Catalyst - Reduce Flight Times Roughly 15 Minutes​
Thunderbird Airplanes - 5 hours
There are 12 Flight Destinations Available
Fuel Catalyst - Reduce Flight Time Roughly 42 Minutes
Hawk Airplanes - 3 hours to 4 hours and 40 minutes​
There are 12 Flight Destinations Available​
Fuel Catalyst - Reduce Flight Times Roughly 1 Hour 10 Minutes​
Condor Airplanes - 12 hours to 12 hours and 20 minutes
There are 12 Flight Destinations Available
Fuel Catalyst - Reduce Flight Time Roughly 5 Hours
Raven Airplanes - 5 hours to 6 hours and 40 minutes​
There are 10 Flight Destinations Available​
Fuel Catalyst - Reduce Flight Times Roughly 1 Hour 24 Minutes​
Sparrow Helicopters - 2 Minutes to 12 Minutes
There are 6 Flight Destinations Available
Fuel Catalyst - Not Available
Eagle Airplanes - 7 hours to 8 hours and 40 minutes​
There are 10 Flight Destinations Available​
Fuel Catalyst - Reduce Flight Time Roughly 2 Hour, 25 Minutes​
Crossbill Helicopters - 15 Minutes to 1 Hour
There are 5 Flight Destinations Available
Fuel Catalyst - Reduce Some Flights Times Roughly 5-8 Minutes
Jumbo Airplanes - 8 hours - 8 hours and 40 minutes​
There are 14 Flight Destinations Available​
Fuel Catalyst - Reduce Flight Time Roughly 2 Hours, 24 Minutes​
Goldfinch Helicopters - 1 Hour 30 Minutes to 3 Hours 40 Minutes
There are 5 Flight Destinations Available
Fuel Catalyst - Reduce Flight Times Roughly 12-30 Minutes
Giant Airplanes - 9 hours​
There are 13 Flight Destinations Available​
Fuel Catalyst - Reduce Flight Time Roughly 2 Hours, 30 Minutes​

You will see from the above table you will be able to reduce the amount of time it takes for your fleet of airplanes and helicopters to return from standard flight destinations, by making full use of the fuel catalyst option which will be available to you during game play. It will be important to note that you will need to make the most of your option, since it will have limited use during each day.

Please Note, there are of course different types of flights besides Standard Flights, which will become available to you during long term game play e.g. Alliance Map Flights S3 (with the smaller airplanes you can only fuel speed up, with the much larger airplanes they can be accelerated), Alliance Flights (all the airplanes can be accelerated and you can use fuel speed up), Event Flights (all the airplanes can be accelerated and fuel speed up can be used), Excavation Flights (all the airplanes can be accelerated and fuel speed up can be used), Helicopter Flights (fuel speed up is available for all class types, acceleration will depend on class type), Space Flights (you can only use a Quantum Leap Bonus to reduce flight times), Space Map Flights (acceleration and fuel speed up for all flights available) all these will have there own set of flight times.

SPEED UP BY 30%.png
First Choice Airplane
Second Choice Airplane
Third Choice Airplane
First Choice Helicopter
Second Choice Helicopter
Third Choice Helicopter

You will have two sets of three options to choose from, First Choice will be to speed up your flights +30% (you will be able to do this five times, the option will then become unavailable, until the next day when you will have a further five), Second Choice will be to speed up flights by using some of your fuel, the amount will depend on the airborne vehicle in question and the flight destination, Swallow and Swift 8-20 Fuel Units, Owl 28-36 Fuel Units, Hawk 44-56 Fuel Units, Raven 60-80 Fuel Units, Eagle 84 Fuel Units, Jumbo 90 Fuel Units, Giant 92 Fuel Units, Falcon 85 Fuel Units, Thunderbird 80 Fuel Units, Condor 110 Fuel Units, Sparrow 10 Fuel Units, Crossbill 16 Fuel Units, Goldfinch 24 Fuel Units. Please note, this method will draw fuel direct from your airplane and helicopter fuel counters (both use fuel which is independent of each other), you will need to be conservative with this method, since it will drain your fuel resources, especially with the much larger airborne vehicles, Third Choice (instead of using your Fuel Catalyst) will allow you to speed up your airborne vehicles for free, you will be able to do this twelve times in a day. The options can be accessed via the Active Flights Radar icon, located on the right hand side of the game screen, or the Flights Menu option, accessed via the 1st icon along the bottom row of the game screen.

There are three types of game bonuses which can be used to increase your airplane and helicopter flights and reduce destination flight times, they are the Vintage Weathervane Bonus, Jet Pack Bonus and VIP Gold Subscription.

Vintage Weathervane Bonus (Game Level 7) - this will increase your flights +35% for 6 hours. The bonus can be purchased from the Airship Store for 8 Green Notes, can also be obtained by completing the Figures And Figurines collection, can sometimes be obtained through the Mystery Bonus, obtained from the Weather Station Level 3, and can sometimes be obtained when you complete a Basic Class Pass Ticket level special event.​
Jet Pack Bonus (Game Level 10) - once activated will be valid for 24 hours, all the flights will be accelerated automatically without the need to use fuel catalysts, this will last the entire duration of the bonus. You can also obtain the bonus through the Mystery Super Bonus. You will receive one random bonus from the following five, Horn of Plenty, Spirit of Adventure, Jet Pack, A Friend in Need, Jar of Diogenes. You will be able to purchase the Mystery Super Bonus Chest for 10 Gold Token and 500 Silver Token from the Store, from game level 10. Can also be obtained by completing any one of the following collections - How to Win Friends, I'll Think About That Tomorrow, Spic and Span, Time is Money, Easy Rider, Need for Speed, Gold Reserve, Royal Honours, The Stone Guests, Sea-Wolf. You can also obtain 3 stars, a total of 500 flight destinations, that is part of the Alliance Map Flights.​
VIP Gold Subscription (Game Level 7) - this will provide you with the following eight benefits to your long term game, +200% profit earned from flights, +100% experience points gained from flights, +2 fuel every minute, +30% maximum fuel supply, +50% item drop from flights, -15% flight duration, perfect weather conditions and no chance of a breakdown. The amount you will need to pay will depend on where you are located in the world. You will have three subscription purchase options to choose from, 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months.​

It will be important to note that there are currently 45 airplane liveries, of which 21 have benefits, which will increase the speed of flights and reduce the destination flight times, the percentage (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 80%) will depend on the livery in question, the rest of the liveries will not have a bonus. For more information you will need to read Table Three - Airplane Liveries of the following user guide, The Daily Bank Discount Sales - Buildings, Aircrafts, Liveries, Tokens, Mystery Bonus, Mystery Buildings, Collections, Event Sets, Bonuses, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-daily-bank-discount-sales-buildings-aircrafts-liveries-tokens-mystery-bonus-mystery-buildings-collections-event-sets-bonuses-v8-25-5.33377/

These special class of airplanes and helicopters will fly at increased speeds of 10% (S1 Class), 30% (S2 Class) and 40% (S3 Class), compared to the standard class of airplanes and helicopters. When you accelerate these class of airborne vehicles it will further reduce the destinations flight times, in other words, the percentage speed plus the acceleration method.

S1 Class Airplanes - these S1 class type airplanes can only be purchased with silver and gold tokens. The main difference with these types of airplanes is that they fly at increased speeds of 10%, but fly to the same destinations as does the standard airplanes.​
S2 Class Airplanes - these S2 class type airplanes can only be purchased with silver and gold tokens. They will only be available to forum members who are part of an alliance group. The Alliance Office will be needed to gain access to the alliance unique merchandise. The building will cost 10,000 Gold Coins, and you will also need to complete the side bar mission A United Front. The main difference with these types of planes is that they fly at increased speeds of 30%, but fly to the same destinations as does the standard airplanes.​
S3 Class Airplanes - these S3 class type airplanes can not be purchased with coins, gold and silver tokens. The main difference with these types of airplanes is that they fly at increased speeds of 40%, but fly to the same destinations as does the standard airplanes. They can only be obtained through the completion of alliance flight collections, you will need to complete a flight collection 6 times to be rewarded with an airplane.​
S1 Class Crossbill Helicopters - these S1 class types fly 10% faster, they can be purchased with gold and silver tokens​
S2 Class Crossbill Helicopters - these S2 class types fly 30% faster, they can be purchased with gold and silver tokens - the helicopters will only be available to forum members who are part of an alliance group. The Alliance Office will be needed to gain access to the alliance unique merchandise. The building will cost 10,000 Gold Coins, and you will also need to complete the side bar mission A United Front.​
S1 Class Goldfinch Helicopters - these S1 class types fly 10% faster, they can be purchased with gold and silver tokens​
S2 Class Goldfinch Helicopters - these S2 class types fly 30% faster, they can be purchased with gold and silver tokens - the helicopters will only be available to forum members who are part of an alliance group. The Alliance Office will be needed to gain access to the alliance unique merchandise. The building will cost 10,000 Gold Coins, and you will also need to complete the side bar mission A United Front.​
For a full price list of all the airplanes you will need to read through Sections 1,2,3,4 of the following user guide The Fleet of Planes - Standard, S1, S2, S3 Planes, Guest Planes, Special Planes, Guest Mail Planes, Tropical Planes, Mysterious Planes, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-fleet-of-planes-standard-s1-s2-s3-planes-guest-planes-special-planes-guest-mail-planes-tropical-planes-mysterious-planes-v8-25-5.23811/ For a full price list of all the helicopters you will need to read through the following user guide, How To Obtain The Airport City Fleet of Helicopters - The Game Store, The Discount Super www.airportcitygame.com/threads/how-to-obtain-the-airport-city-fleet-of-helicopters-the-game-store-the-discount-super-sales-the-special-events-v8-25-5.29333/

This will depend on how long you have been playing your game and the size and type of airborne vehicles you have in your fleet. If you have not been playing for very long, your fleet will be small, and you will most likely not have any helicopters. If on the other hand, you have been playing for quite sometime, your fleet will be much larger, and you may well have helicopters. As a rule you should always accelerate your largest airborne vehicles first, which will take the longest to return from a flight. You should then accelerate your second largest airborne vehicle, then your third, and so on. In other words, you should work your way backwards through your fleet, from the largest to the smallest, since size does matter. The larger the airborne vehicle and longer time it will take to return from a flight, and the smaller the airborne vehicle the short time it will take to return from a flight.

There is a great wealth of user guide information located in the Airport City Guides section, of the members forum. I have written them to help you with your game, those of you who are new to the game and those of you who are further along with your game. The user guides will provide you with all the information you need, to help make a success of your game.

Last Updated: Wednesday 15th January 2025 at 13.45pm London UK Time
Last edited:

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
The work on this new user guide continues since I first published it on the members forum on Sunday morning. There is still a great deal of work to do, but so far so good.

Captain WH Rollins
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