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Houston! We are ready for take off.....

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Oh my god, I invest 700 points on this launch. tdv, you come on board and get my 1st:cry:
Sorry Pal - I joined Kei's Lauch and did not see you as a party... I could only see Kei with 64 points... - I did think it was strange to have a launch at 1000 points!!! - If I had seen you at 700 I would have put in just below your amount....

Bloddy GIS bugs.... :mad:
Sorry Pal - I joined Kei's Lauch and did not see you as a party... I could only see Kei with 64 points... - I did think it was strange to have a launch at 1000 points!!! - If I had seen you at 700 I would have put in just below your amount....

Bloddy GIS bugs.... :mad:

Nevermind, this is continuous mission. I will start a new launch, help me next time:)
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Nevermind, this is continuous mission. I will start a new launch, help me next time:)
No worries.. how about tomorrow morning (GMT for me about 0600) - Either you or me can start a launch... just check/add up how many points you can put in (normally you will need about 802 to get gold in a two player launch) - perhaps we can come to an arrangement with one or two other people so you end up with gold and two others with silver...

I can make up the short fall no worries....
No worries.. how about tomorrow morning (GMT for me about 0600) - Either you or me can start a launch... just check/add up how many points you can put in (normally you will need about 802 to get gold in a two player launch) - perhaps we can come to an arrangement with one or two other people so you end up with gold and two others with silver...

I can make up the short fall no worries....

Currently I dont have enough points, I will start a new launch tomorrow, just help me to get a easy 2nd .:p


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Spaceship Captain Mali has gone AWOL :eek:
Co-Captain nsari , who has taken the helm :cool: ,
and Communications Officer Andrew-YYZ
remain on board to save the spaceship (y)
The launch sequence currently stands at 1300/1600 with 6 hrs 12 mins to go.
Anyone who can join is more than welcome :D

( Sorry Mali , it had to be done :sneaky: )
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Spaceship Captain Mali has gone AWOL :eek:
Co-Captain nsari , who has taken the helm :cool: ,
and Communications Officer Andrew-YYZ
remain on board to save the spaceship (y)
The launch sequence currently stands at 1300/1600 with 6 hrs 12 mins to go.
Anyone who can join is more than welcome :D

( Sorry Mali , it had to be done :sneaky: )

i have added you. :) maybe i can still join your launch..
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I have kicked off a launch - hungyauming & Nina - jump on board when every you are ready....

EDIt: I see jackjackeli is already onboard.... BTW I started this launch so that I could make up for mistakenly taking gold from hungyauming - so please don't through in too many points... just enough to get silver or bronze...

I will finish the lauch sequence once all parties are on board...
  1. Android
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I have kicked off a launch - hungyauming & Nina - jump on board when every you are ready....

EDIt: I see jackjackeli is already onboard.... BTW I started this launch so that I could make up for mistakenly taking gold from hungyauming - so please don't through in too many points... just enough to get silver or bronze...

I will finish the lauch sequence once all parties are on board...

stopping throwing in points now.. :)


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
I have kicked off a launch - hungyauming & Nina - jump on board when every you are ready....

EDIt: I see jackjackeli is already onboard.... BTW I started this launch so that I could make up for mistakenly taking gold from hungyauming - so please don't through in too many points... just enough to get silver or bronze...

I will finish the lauch sequence once all parties are on board...

Im again missing ur launch!
I just launched... 1hour ago :-(

But got easy 3rd with 56 points hehe
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I have kicked off a launch - hungyauming & Nina - jump on board when every you are ready....

EDIt: I see jackjackeli is already onboard.... BTW I started this launch so that I could make up for mistakenly taking gold from hungyauming - so please don't through in too many points... just enough to get silver or bronze...

I will finish the lauch sequence once all parties are on board...

Oops full house already.... Off we go then... :cool:

Sorry hungyauming - perhaps we can try again tomorrow - maybe Aero will join in


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Captain Mali Found Unconscious in the Engine Room :sleep: :sick:
The Captain is now conscious and active :)
The launch sequence now reads 1484/1600 with 3 hrs 10 mins to go.
Still room for one more person to jump aboard and take forth place.
Medical Officer jackjackeli , who was responding to the emergency,
has been reassigned to a ship where hungyauming Nina and tdv are waiting to launch.
Good Luck Astronauts!
Spaceship Captain Mali has gone AWOL :eek:
Co-Captain nsari , who has taken the helm :cool: ,
and Communications Officer Andrew-YYZ
remain on board to save the spaceship (y)
The launch sequence currently stands at 1300/1600 with 6 hrs 12 mins to go.
Anyone who can join is more than welcome :D

( Sorry Mali , it had to be done :sneaky: )
  1. Android
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I have kicked off a launch - hungyauming & Nina - jump on board when every you are ready....

EDIt: I see jackjackeli is already onboard.... BTW I started this launch so that I could make up for mistakenly taking gold from hungyauming - so please don't through in too many points... just enough to get silver or bronze...

I will finish the lauch sequence once all parties are on board...

that was the fastest launch i ever had.. thanks tdv.. lanternssss please.. :) :)
I have kicked off a launch - hungyauming & Nina - jump on board when every you are ready....

EDIt: I see jackjackeli is already onboard.... BTW I started this launch so that I could make up for mistakenly taking gold from hungyauming - so please don't through in too many points... just enough to get silver or bronze...

I will finish the lauch sequence once all parties are on board...

I have to help my friend so I have joined his launch, tdv no need to wait me on board today:)

Welcome to join my friend Ivan's launch and it is currently 890 points.
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thanks so much tdv.. construction for a monument in your honor has started in my airport.. :) :) :) :)

also, if i get all remaining four stars, i will name each of them after you..
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Anyone up for a launch - I can start a launch sequence or join yours... put in as much or as little as you want...
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