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Houston! We are ready for take off.....

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Happy Helen
Angry Bear

Just joined your 1st launch, I don't have many points thats why I joined a neighbour rather than start one myself.
Your launch currently has 576 points with 13 hours left!

You also have a second launch, I can't access that, perhaps that is where you are adding?

Can you let me know what's happening? I am happy to place 2nd/3rd for the fuel! Or I will complete this one

Helen ;)

Nothing from Angry Bear, anyone join, think around 1160 with 13 hours left ;)

Update again

Still got 6 hours to go but I have to go to work, 1300 points, this is exhausting...........



Wiki Editor
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Retren3, Retren4, Retren2, Retren
Phantom retkot was so fast, we allready finished the launch before I blinked my eyes :)
I added what I could, leaving +-370 points open for somebody else, which could've moved my retren3 to 4th spot...
I already messed up another member's launch preparation... seems I need to be even more carefull... :oops:
Problem is I never get enough points together to launch on my own... these last two launches were collected over 4 weeks 'spring break' :)

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
I think there is always a risk someone will hijack your launch for the gold. Sometimes I start a launch, and am off line doing something else and wonder if anyone is trying to grab the gold. (Any game I have ever played there was never a guarantee to get first place) The best way to get a gold is to start the launch yourself, and then just stay on top of it.

I noticed if somebody hits every item at the same time the most they can get is 576 points. Then there's at least a one or two minute window (cant remember) until the large fuel tank or heavy explosive bolts reset.

If you see someone join your launch and then click off 576 points its a good chance this player is going for the gold. You will have at least a minute to make up the difference to secure your place as long as you are online and watching the game, which is not easy to do.

I am wondering, how "it should be about that". If we participate other launches.
I just participate one, there are 5 users already, 1st one have about 450, rest 100/90/60/50 and me 50...
I could go for 1st place, fill the rest in couple of minutes... wondering what are you thinking... 20 hours left. (n):whistle:
  1. Android
I am wondering, how "it should be about that". If we participate other launches.
I just participate one, there are 5 users already, 1st one have about 450, rest 100/90/60/50 and me 50...
I could go for 1st place, fill the rest in couple of minutes... wondering what are you thinking... 20 hours left. (n):whistle:

I should go for it! If someone start a launch and don't throw enough points for the 1st place, I think he/she is glad with the help of others. If he/she had enough for the 1st place, I think he goes immediately for that place.
I have learned another lesson, just join a launch with members of this forum, you can send pm's or tag the other one to inform about the places
For example: i see now a launch of 'fuel hose', 23 hrs to go, now idea who this person is, I cannot reach him/her so I don't join the launch
But in your case sgabor, if there is no more action from the others, throw in and go :D


800+ Star Club
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sorry for not replying , i was cut off from the internet all night long and i felt my world was not moving :cry: hope will join you in the next launch diwata :)

No problem. I thought it was a bug again. I remember reading where people couldn't see other people's launches. Or they would click join but it created a launch instead.


800+ Star Club
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I should go for it! If someone start a launch and don't throw enough points for the 1st place, I think he/she is glad with the help of others. If he/she had enough for the 1st place, I think he goes immediately for that place.
I have learned another lesson, just join a launch with members of this forum, you can send pm's or tag the other one to inform about the places
For example: i see now a launch of 'fuel hose', 23 hrs to go, now idea who this person is, I cannot reach him/her so I don't join the launch
But in your case sgabor, if there is no more action from the others, throw in and go :D

I'm thinking the same way. That if the launcher wants to get the 1st place and that he/she has enough to throw in to secure that spot, he/she would have done so right away. Maybe it's been done but just throwing in 400 points and expect that you'd stay in 1st place is really a risk. I know there is an etiquette to let the launcher be the 1st place unless the launcher offers it, but pretty sure there are others who do not care and would grab it if they can.

I found that launching is easy once you've done it about twice. But it's very easy to screw it up if you don't know what you're doing. Of course, GI bugs don't help either.:confused:
  1. iPad
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I am wondering, how "it should be about that". If we participate other launches.
I just participate one, there are 5 users already, 1st one have about 450, rest 100/90/60/50 and me 50...
I could go for 1st place, fill the rest in couple of minutes... wondering what are you thinking... 20 hours left. (n):whistle:

Take the gold, that's why this is called a "game". You play, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

I finally got my Alien Legacy building on the crapple iPad!

Anyway i just started another primo NO FAIL launch, I don't need the gold anymore so if someone else really wants it I won't block anyone from getting it this time.

Add me or join my launch, I have enough items to cover the whole launch if we come up short (so far we have always launched in the first 8 hrs)


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  1. Android
Take the gold, that's why this is called a "game". You play, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

I finally got my Alien Legacy building on the crapple iPad!

Anyway i just started another primo NO FAIL launch, I don't need the gold anymore so if someone else really wants it I won't block anyone from getting it this time.

Add me or join my launch, I have enough items to cover the whole launch if we come up short (so far we have always launched in the first 8 hrs)
I've just joined your launch, cannot go for the 1st place this time, not so many items, I'm satisfied to join you, for more experience and coins.
  1. Android
melony, that's ok. Being alone in a launch is no fun. You're always welcome to join. (y)
We will go, don't worry about that, but I want try to get ride off some of that junk. I have 376 solid fuel. :confused:. No clue what to do with it else. I wish we cold sell or trade. I go every day in a launch with someone or solo. ;).
  1. iPad
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I've just joined your launch, cannot go for the 1st place this time, not so many items, I'm satisfied to join you, for more experience and coins.

I see you there Olly! Thanks for joining. I'd like to get rid of some items also this launch but whatever, whoever needs the gold should join this launch, I'm just here for the booze.
  1. Android
I see you there Olly! Thanks for joining. I'd like to get rid of some items also this launch but whatever, whoever needs the gold should join this launch, I'm just here for the booze.

Its a pity that we have to wait for some items like solid fuel. I have 33 items of that but have to wait until 2 hrs before I can use them. Is there a trick so you can get it quicker, no of course its the game. Be patient...:rolleyes:
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