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Halloween Game is here!!!!!!!


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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
My tomgreensmith iPhone game still crashes after visiting neighbors.
My Waverly huff iPad game didn't lose any warehoused buildings after the update. This game did the Dark Skies Halloween quest last year. This year I can finally get that third star for Windsor. Boo!
  1. Android
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lister:Item needed
Is anyone else having trouble visiting neighbors at the moment? Was working fine after the update but I keep getting server connection error at the moment. Dark Skies look easier than last year because the soul net actually spawns 5 wraiths on your land, think it only spawned one every 2 minutes of soul net time last year! Main problem was the elusive wax last year though, hopefully it will be easier to come by this year for people who haven't got the great seal yet!

EDIT: Now I'm getting player has a different version, despite the fact that I know some of them have updated...
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lister:Item needed
Btw for anyone who didn't know this mission is excellent for stocking up on fuel, so I definitely wouldn't try and finish it early.
1. You get 50x fuel for every crystal ball collection you get (I've already got 8 today without playing much using p deltas so they're pretty easy to get! I did already have a lot of collection items from last time round though)
2. The collection you get from landing ghost planes also give you 50x fuel everytime!


500+ Star Club
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Has anyone updated in the middle of a space launch? The launch I am in with Pakman has just been reset to zero points but the items used are still on count down :(
I didn't update yet, waiting for my Sacramento map to expire first, but started a space launch this morning (~3hrs ago)... just had it say I failed to launch (and the 1138pts went *poof*).



500+ Star Club
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glitch! If you log out while doing some of the side missions, you lose progress gained during that step. Feel free to explain this better. Some days I'm too tired to write/speak/understand proper English
"Is anyone else having trouble visiting neighbors at the moment? Was working fine after the update but I keep getting server connection error at the moment. Dark Skies look easier than last year because the soul net actually spawns 5 wraiths on your land, think it only spawned one every 2 minutes of soul net time last year! Main problem was the elusive wax last year though, hopefully it will be easier to come by this year for people who haven't got the great seal yet!"

I did not get the great seal last year because I couldn't get the wax!!! Do the wraiths only appear when you use the soul net? I used it and got five, but I only have one soul net left and I haven't seen the wraiths otherwise. Also, how do you get the pumpkin patches? I was only able to get the haunted house last year, no cemetery either.

Ios players have had trouble visiting other ios neighbors for weeks now and this update didn't fix that problem either.
My tomgreensmith iPhone game still crashes after visiting neighbors.
My Waverly huff iPad game didn't lose any warehoused buildings after the update. This game did the Dark Skies Halloween quest last year. This year I can finally get that third star for Windsor. Boo!

The missing star for the 312!!! - excellent. I can get 2 more stars for windsor. I remember last year this quest for very good for stocking up on Fuel (50) which is great.
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WLG Old Lantern
Here is a list of all the side missions from last year's quest.
Stewardess JaneNo.1 - Secret Witches MissionGet a Witch's Hat (Seldom) from flight to Egypt or Rome 0/1only Black Wraiths.No.2 - A Witch's BroomCollect profits from Book Store or Sporting Goods store until you find a Broom 0/1Build a Book Store 0/1No.3 - HeelsLand guest planes until a pair of Heels arrives. 0/1The description states that they are expected to arrive on Props and Turboprops but on the item listing it appears on all plane types as "very seldom". Also Ghost Guest Planes do count as that it where I got mine from.No.4 - Witch's CloakCollect passengers from House with Pool until you find the Witch's Cloak. 0/1No.5 - Striped StockingsBring Striped Stockings from London or Cyprus. 0/1No.6 - Almost Ready...Complete the "Witch Costume" collectionNo.7 - Halloween shopBuild a Halloween shop 0/1Collect coins from Halloween shopIt appears that Stewardess Jane missions will get you the Witch's Costume Collection as she works her way through it.NB: Once you have the item you can no longer get them from these locations. Future Witch's Costume collection then needs to be completed by capturing Black Wraiths.[/QUOTE]
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WLG Old Lantern
Professor KlandauNo.1 - Perilous TimesGo to neighbour's airport and tap 2 ghosts 0/2No.2 - Inside OutGo to neighbour's airport and tap 6 ghosts to get Bright Lanterns 0/6No.3 - Durability CheckUsing Bright Lanterns tap 2 ghosts at your airport 0/2No.4 - Mystical FlightsFly to Transylvannia 0/1No.5 - Lighting UpFly to Transylvannia, Machu Picchu, Salem to get Bright Lanterns 0/4No.6 - Phantom PlasmaBanish 4 ghosts from your city 0/4No.7 - Devilish Containment (I forgot the title)Receive 2 Leyden Jars as gifts 0/2No.8 - Industrial ScaleCollect 10 Phantom Plasmafrom White Phantom (using Bright Lanterns) or Black Wraith(using Aerosol) from your airport 0/10This is on top of the other 3 missions to get 60 collections.No.9 - The Phantom World Next DoorBring 1 Raven's Featherfrom Transylvannia, Machu Picchu, Salem 0/1No.10 - The Damned CollectionComplete the Abnormal Activitycollection and receive the Crystal Ball bonus 0/1No.11 - No Time to WaitUse the Crystal Ball bonus 0/1No.12 - Ghost PlanesLand guest Ghost Planes 0/6No.13 - Another Crystal BallPut together another Abnormal Activity collection and receive the Crystal Ball bonus 0/1No.14 - We Need More DataLand more guest Ghost Planes0/8No.15 - The Prose of LifeReceive 5 Leyden Jars gifts from your neighbours 0/5No.16 - The Shades of GreyBanish ghosts from your city to get Phantom Plasma 0/18No.17 - Airbourne ExorcismFind 2 Aerosol from flights to Transylvannia, Machu Picchu or Salem 0/2No.18 Eureka!Land guest ghost planes to collect a Mirror 0/1No.19 Soul NetComplete the Warlock's Collection to get a Soul Net bonus 0/1No.20. A Dance with a WraithUse the Soul Net bonus 0/1No.21 Out of Sight, Out of MindUse Aerosol to banish 2 Black Wraith from your city 0/2No.22 Transcedent SeineCollect another Soul Netbonus 0/1No.23 Play It to the BoneBanish 4 Black Wraiths from your city 0/4No.24 The Origins of EvilCollect coins from Bookstoreto find The Book of Superstitions 0/1No.25 A Quiet NeighbourhoodBuild a Halloween Shop 0/1No.26 Developing a HypothesisCollect a Crystal Shardfrom Halloween Shop, Cemetry or Pumpkin Bed 0/1No.27 Sealing the DemonsPut together the Collection of the Seal and create the Great Seal itself 0/1No.28 A Good Beginning Makes a Good EndingGet sent Leyden Jars as a gift from your friends 0/10
That is it for Professor Klandau!
  1. iPad
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Can anyone tell me what the Leyden jars are for, and how and when to use them?
Are aerosols only available from flights to Halloween destinations, or can you get them some other way (other than buying them)?
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aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
Can anyone tell me what the Leyden jars are for, and how and when to use them?
Are aerosols only available from flights to Halloween destinations, or can you get them some other way (other than buying them)?

It appears they are just items that you will need to have sent to you to complete 2 of the side missions. Other than that they appear to have no other use.

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