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Guide to Link your accounts to trail.gg and get the White Whale

What is trail.gg?
trail.gg is a website to link your progress to game insight's windows server.

What is a White Whale?
The White Whale is a floating blimp that produces 2 fuel every 5 minutes, can be speeded up by watching an ad or with 2 Airport cash

Steps to link your account :
1. Register on the trail.gg website (Preferably with same details as your main account such as Email, Username, etc)
2. Login and click on airport city, wait for game to load (NOTE : Do not switch tabs when the game loads, otherwise it will take a very long time to load and may even show error)
3. Once game is loaded, go to your IOS game and copy the GI link code from link progress under settings option. once noting down the code, close the main game app completely (Note : If you don't close the app you wont get the white whale)
4. Go to the Settings option in website game, go to link progress and select the option link progress from other device, enter the code you noted down from main game.
5. Once the code is entered select the server version option when asked which version you want to keep. (Note : this is a very important step, choose carefully as you may loose all your progress if you select the wrong version, also you can see how many coins and airport cash you have but can't see any other stats so choose carefully)
6. A pop up appears saying you receive a white whale as gift, collect it and play game in website for 2 to 3 minutes, then close the game in the website.
7. Open your main game and immediately after the loading screen, app asks which version you want to keep, select the server version again. (Note : this is again a very important step, choose carefully as you may loose the white whale on your IOS and maybe even on website)
8. Search the airport for the white whale and you might find it mostly near airport or airport side expansions, it may even go to the ends so search thoroughly, if you don't find it message here I can try rectifying the issue

That's it, please keep in mind the note points.
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It's a little confusing to me.
I have 2 games. My main game is on a windows laptop and the secondary game is on an Android tablet.
When I go to trail.gg on my laptop, it comes up with Airport City and a button to "Start Game".
Which game will it start? And where do I go from there?
I can use some help if possible. Do I go to G! for help on this?
Thanks @Sai I appreciate any advice you can give me.

It's a little confusing to me.
I have 2 games. My main game is on a windows laptop and the secondary game is on an Android tablet.
When I go to trail.gg on my laptop, it comes up with Airport City and a button to "Start Game".
Which game will it start? And where do I go from there?
I can use some help if possible. Do I go to G! for help on this?
Thanks @Sai I appreciate any advice you can give me.

If you start a game in trail, it is a new one which will open which is not linked to any of your accounts, once you start a new game in trail, you will be able to access the settings icon, after you are able to access the settings you can link one of your games to trail
I tried trail with 2 accounts in my desktop computer and one account open in chrome and the second with Microsoft Edge.
But the favorite list not working in both accounts.
Searching for the items to send gift is very bad.
Trail website dosnt support my phone device even with chrome.
No pass word for trail account if i logout and return back i must enter the code they send to my email this waste of time.
So i decide to wait and not link my main account.
Maybe GI will insert this instead of taking the risk to loose the game and its progress?
Lots of IF's and BUT's to risk my game...

What a crap to connect it to another website.
I also don't have Facebook and miss some gifts too because of that.

Just give me the benefits and not the hassle!!
We all just want the weekend code back!! And not all this bu#lsh@t


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  1. Windows PC
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So I tried this a couple days ago. This is what happened.

Note that I had only started the game on my Android so I could get the white whale. So my Android was at level 1 and had basically nothing.

1. I linked the two accounts through settings (my main game is on Brave browser on my Windows 10 PC and my secondary one is on my Android).

2. All of a sudden, my PC game which had all my progress went back to level 1 and I was terrified lol.

3. I QUICKLY refreshed my PC game and everything went back to my old progress but I still got the white whale.

I personally don't think it's worth the risk but I hope my experience helps if you do want to try it.
So I tried this a couple days ago. This is what happened.

Note that I had only started the game on my Android so I could get the white whale. So my Android was at level 1 and had basically nothing.

1. I linked the two accounts through settings (my main game is on Brave browser on my Windows 10 PC and my secondary one is on my Android).

2. All of a sudden, my PC game which had all my progress went back to level 1 and I was terrified lol.

3. I QUICKLY refreshed my PC game and everything went back to my old progress but I still got the white whale.

I personally don't think it's worth the risk but I hope my experience helps if you do want to try it.
The reason you almost lost your progress is you tried to keep android as your main game which actually is your Brave game, to get the white whale in your case, you need to repeat the steps 2 times, 1st link your main game (Brave) to android so your android becomes main game and 2nd to get white whale
I tried twice but no whale. My main game is on an iPad. How do I make sure game is signed out on iPad? I swipe it out of the memory but didn’t seem to do the trick. Also made sure I was not connected with apple or Facebook. Appreciate the guidance.
I had no issues linking my iPad game.
i signed up for a trail account using the same email as my Apple account and Game Center.
then I got the linking code from my iPad game. Closed iPad
Put the code on trail.
played a little, enough time for the game to save
closed trail
opened iPad and chose “server version”
and the whale was there.
i never went to my trail account again, as my iPad is always with me… I did it solely for the white whale
I tried twice but no whale. My main game is on an iPad. How do I make sure game is signed out on iPad? I swipe it out of the memory but didn’t seem to do the trick. Also made sure I was not connected with apple or Facebook. Appreciate the guidance.
Why do you would need the game to be signed out? The only thing I made sure was not to have it open on both sides (except for the short period of time needed to get my link code)
I tried twice but no whale. My main game is on an iPad. How do I make sure game is signed out on iPad? I swipe it out of the memory but didn’t seem to do the trick. Also made sure I was not connected with apple or Facebook. Appreciate the guidance.
Exiting game is just coming out of it, no need to clear it from memory or anything, have you completed linking with trail.gg, if not complete it to get white whale
Exiting game is just coming out of it, no need to clear it from memory or anything, have you completed linking with trail.gg, if not complete it to get white whale
Happen with me first time and i didnt get the white whale then i found the reason: After i make the link and enter the code (Linked done) i didnt wait i exit the game.
There must be a pop message from the game you link it (the one make the code) this message its to confirm that your game is complete linked keep the game open do not try to play with the old one.
The new one must be open just wait few minutes the white whale will show up.
The problem for this issue is the the internet line speed sometimes didnt save the data in the game server yes all of us have high speed internet but the computers and devices using back ground programs and it will make the line slower.
The best for everyone to do this link successful is to be patient not hurry.

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