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Guest planes and 100 limit

Cap'n Eddie

150+ Star Club
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Capn Eddie
It would be nice if the guest planes would stop dropping items that I have over 100 of (178 Sunglasses, 132 Check-in Terminals, 183 Landing Gears, etc.) and start dropping everything else instead that I have less than 100 of (0 Scooters, 0 Mangosteen, 0 Rook, 0 Bicycle, 0 Crossbow, 66 Passenger Seats, ect.)

Thank You
Exactly. It's hardly "random" if you have 100 of one item while zero of another.
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It would be nice if the guest planes would stop dropping items that I have over 100 of (178 Sunglasses, 132 Check-in Terminals, 183 Landing Gears, etc.) and start dropping everything else instead that I have less than 100 of (0 Scooters, 0 Mangosteen, 0 Rook, 0 Bicycle, 0 Crossbow, 66 Passenger Seats, ect.)

Thank You
It would also be nice if Madlen would quit sending stuff we already have over 100. I mean, she's an AI - can't she tell what we already have??? I haven't been able to accept a gift from Madlen since the update!

Jon Allen

600+ Star Club
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Or.. How about we have some mechanism to dispose of items in the warehouse that are above the limit.

This has become the most annoying part of the game now.
If we could simply get rid of the items by saying "drop" that would be fine by me.

A better option would be able to sell them for coins.. I don't really care how many coins, even 5 coins per item would be fine.

The best option would be to donate them to another player . Of course GI would never even consider that, since it is far too complicated, and no doubt interfere with the "fairness" of the game to all players..
Another suggestion which would alleviate some of the annoyance. Make those high priced production
buildings have a more reasonable storage cost. The buildings are useless at this point (because of limit)
and definitely raises my annoyance with every look at the tech side where I can collect nothing. I mean sure
I could spend the millions to store them but considering their useless nature should we really be punished
for supporting the game?
You get to the point in the game when it seems pointless to accept guest plans as you know it is going to drop you something which you know you cannot keep because of the 100 limit.. I loose enthusiasm because I feel as if most of my efforts are going to be worthless and not rewarded!
Most of the collection items dropped from guest planes are useless if you have 100 of them anyway. If you have 100 of one of the 5 needed items for a set, then you either have uncollected sets or zero of at least one item.
  1. Android
It would be very nice if players are allowed to pay real money to land guest plane and get the drop items that the players have zero inventory.

GI, I am just suggesting a good way for you to drain more money from players' pocket!

Cap'n Eddie

150+ Star Club
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Capn Eddie
Or.. How about we have some mechanism to dispose of items in the warehouse that are above the limit.

This has become the most annoying part of the game now.
If we could simply get rid of the items by saying "drop" that would be fine by me.

A better option would be able to sell them for coins.. I don't really care how many coins, even 5 coins per item would be fine.

The best option would be to donate them to another player . Of course GI would never even consider that, since it is far too complicated, and no doubt interfere with the "fairness" of the game to all players..
I tried suggesting a sort of "Junk shop" type of approach. They weren't interested.

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