David Beech
350+ Star Club
GoldenGlobe have now reached top 100 status.
We have a friendly dedicated group of players who have stayed with the alliance since joining because we apply no pressure to perform highly every week.
We ask that the whole alliance make 50% of the alliance tasks which equates to 1 or 2 complete tasks per person.
We would like to enrol a player who can make 70000PAX each week tor eplace our member who is taking a break from the game, but we will consider players who are dedicated and want to build their game to a higher level.
We have a chat room on this forum and ask for participation.
We also share launches, tips, ideasand arrange QL parties for the alliance.
Please reply to this message if you are interested.
My neighbour code is 20grqzand
We have a friendly dedicated group of players who have stayed with the alliance since joining because we apply no pressure to perform highly every week.
We ask that the whole alliance make 50% of the alliance tasks which equates to 1 or 2 complete tasks per person.
We would like to enrol a player who can make 70000PAX each week tor eplace our member who is taking a break from the game, but we will consider players who are dedicated and want to build their game to a higher level.
We have a chat room on this forum and ask for participation.
We also share launches, tips, ideasand arrange QL parties for the alliance.
Please reply to this message if you are interested.
My neighbour code is 20grqzand