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Golden Dice vs Planets


1200+ Star Club
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So by saying this was done on purpose they effectively killed their sales of golden dice and atleast halved the amount of space flights honest people can make, in the end severely limiting our fuel resources.

That's a bold decision to make when trying to keep people interested in new flight destinations that demands more and more resources....
It can still be used for Flights and there are still many players who do adventure flights etc and it's still useful.


150+ Star Club
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It can still be used for Flights and there are still many players who do adventure flights etc and it's still useful.
Sure it still has its uses but I think more people bought it for planetariums but I could be wrong.

Either way the rest of my post still stands.. Without all that extra fuel from launches those adventure flights will suffer too :(


150+ Star Club
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ask me
So, this is it? :( End of conversation? :mad: The main reason for the popularity of this game are the launches and launch parties. Why did y'all have to fix something that worked and kept our interest alive? Not being able to do multiple launches every day is going to be very boring. I, for one, have spent good money on this game because of the fun factor, and now you want to take it away? :rage::rage:


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Indeed very disappointing.
Have been using the GD daily for a long time already and din't even know it is supposed to be a bug.
In the end you start wondering what will happen next.
And the problems like missing resets they just stay.
Pitty I upgraded.


150+ Star Club
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ask me
Indeed very disappointing.
Have been using the GD daily for a long time already and din't even know it is supposed to be a bug.
In the end you start wondering what will happen next.
And the problems like missing resets they just stay.
Pitty I upgraded.

Now we know why they crowed about all the great new changes.:mad: I spent $20 real dollars to be able to buy a casino to help buy gold dice with greens! :mad: As @Fencat pointed out, this severely limits the Adventure flying also. The real issue here is launch fuel. My launches and my places in them will now be reduced at least by half. The QL launches will also suffer, how many can they do without fuel?

What really bothers me is that most of our people here don't even realize what is being taken away from them. Please, everyone, spread the word and post your opinions here.


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Now we know why they crowed about all the great new changes.:mad: I spent $20 real dollars to be able to buy a casino to help buy gold dice with greens! :mad: As @Fencat pointed out, this severely limits the Adventure flying also. The real issue here is launch fuel. My launches and my places in them will now be reduced at least by half. The QL launches will also suffer, how many can they do without fuel?

What really bothers me is that most of our people here don't even realize what is being taken away from them. Please, everyone, spread the word and post your opinions here.

Agree completely.... and i spent $50 on a bank!!
Less launches = Less fuel = Less flying = little need now for GD!
( They werent really that great for the adventure flying ive done so far anyway with drop rates about 1 in 5 flights!!)

I could see tuning it down a bit, but cutting off the benifit completely is just dumb! They will loose players over this in the long run!

Wasted Eagle

1200+ Star Club
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Why fix something that isn't broken? I truly believe that the vast majority of AC players don't even have a clue what a Planetarium is, let alone combining it with a Golden Dice bonus. I have daily non-forum visitors with pretty high levels still tapping away at hangars, random passenger buildings and at best the launchpads.
Seems like an odd choice one of the few things I readily spent greens on was the GD. Seems
like the purchase of those will drop massively now. The purchase of greens will also go down as far as
I am concerned as I don't buy much consistently other than GD. I don't mind supporting a game I play with purchases
every month but not going to just stockpile greens as it does not make sense to do so in my mind.
But hey it is GIs call once I plant my mint next week I should have enough greens for quite some time
so no more real green from me.


150+ Star Club
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I hope GI has a backup plan ready to keep our interest because this "bug fix" definitely backfired.

My main reason for buying greens was golden dice, now I don't need them anymore apparently so I'm done buying greens for the foreseeable future.

This coupled with the still way too low 20 gifts limit will make gathering resources even harder so How do you plan to hold our interest up for all these new flight requiring massive amounts of resources?

Wasted Eagle

1200+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. None of the above
They're stretching the game, making it 'more of a challenge'. I don't get why. It's tough as it is to keep progressing.
After two and a half years of daily flying I'm still nowhere near endgame or just look at Bob's completion percentage. The amount of players here on the forum who have completed almost everything are five people max...
  1. Android
They're stretching the game, making it 'more of a challenge'. I don't get why. It's tough as it is to keep progressing.
After two and a half years of daily flying I'm still nowhere near endgame or just look at Bob's completion percentage. The amount of players here on the forum who have completed almost everything are five people max...
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150+ Star Club
  1. Android
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10 visits today x 5... Mostly planetariums gave me 19 collections... 4 starts... With no bonuses active....

Compared with 8-10 starts (40+ collections) before with gd! Roughly 50% less a day....

Today... Even worse ... No bonus active... Same visit as yesterday more or less, and got a whopping 15 collections...
(Not even 1 red start as the collection im short on did not drop!)

Im relatively new to the game, but results like this are disgusting to say the least!!!


350+ Star Club
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Agent L
I don't actually consider it a bad thing. The base drop from neighbor Planetariums always was very generous, and GD boosted that into ludicrous range.

IMHO it actually is a social problem, as people don't respect their preps nor fuels and instead coordinating a launch everybody just do it alone. The more difficult the launch, the more we'll respect it : )
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