700+ Star Club
Not moaning. You will see above I was reacting to sarcasm against another forum member. If you think sarcasm is ok, then....
I hear you @pete blake. Fact is, all these has gone through multiple rounds of discussion, in multiple threads over many previous months creating no useful results yet. We always see this same four categories of people in such conversations:
1. A group of dedicated gamers who loved the game, and knew this 100 limit is not good for the game's future, and raises the voice for the game's good
2. Another group of dedicated gamers who loved the game, who may or may not had the limit from the beginning, and doesn't feel a difference now, hence gleefully acting neutral
3. A third group with not much gaming ambitions and is ready to accept any crap coming on their way. They also believe its GI's game and they can do anything they wish. No its our game, we are the customers and we pay for the services. So we have a rightful say in it.
4. A fourth group with a (bleep)bag load of sarcasms, believing that it makes them look the smartest in the lot. Trust me you cant change them.
Thankfully i haven't wasted much money in this game yet. I have hardly spent may be around $150 so far, but i spent this in the first couple of years of my playing. I have been playing this for more than 3 years now. This is spent by a person who has never ever spent actual money in a game ever. I loved this game that much. I always felt bad about the people who had the 100 item limit. The moment i heard they plan to roll out the limit for every player, i stopped spending my hard earned money in the game. As i know that is a worst move and has got multiple impacts, not just F20. F20s are the most visible, but actually one of the least impacted items. The plot is much bigger than that.
@amir77a . Agree mate. You just need to keep fighting. My decision is: I will continue playing the game, but the next time i spent money in this game will be an hour after GI removed the 100 item limit. If you keep moaning there are always some wise people who will come and start their advice without really understanding what we have all gone through.
@volly. Keep fighting man.