This question was posted in a different thread, but to give it more visibility, I'm posting it here to get more feedback (thank you @LjGibbs @Husam and @Pit1024 for your feedback so far) Question below:
For all the players out there who have a large supply of launch resources (more than 50 PEBs for example), I have two questions in regards to your resources:
1) How were you able to accumulate so many items? How long did you go without launching in order to build your supply?
2) How have you been able to maintain your collection and prevent it from dwindling?
I know about visiting neighbors and having the launch item buildings (I have 6 rocket gardens and 4 alien legacies), therefore accumulating items isn't the real issue. I can easily stop launching for months and build up my stores. The issue is maintaining the stash once you accumulate it. You can blow all your resources in just one QL party if it's a long one. However, there are many players who do launches everyday and have a large supply at their disposal all the same. I just want to know if there is something amiss in terms of ability to accumulate items at a fast enough rate to counter the loss due to daily launches.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
For all the players out there who have a large supply of launch resources (more than 50 PEBs for example), I have two questions in regards to your resources:
1) How were you able to accumulate so many items? How long did you go without launching in order to build your supply?
2) How have you been able to maintain your collection and prevent it from dwindling?
I know about visiting neighbors and having the launch item buildings (I have 6 rocket gardens and 4 alien legacies), therefore accumulating items isn't the real issue. I can easily stop launching for months and build up my stores. The issue is maintaining the stash once you accumulate it. You can blow all your resources in just one QL party if it's a long one. However, there are many players who do launches everyday and have a large supply at their disposal all the same. I just want to know if there is something amiss in terms of ability to accumulate items at a fast enough rate to counter the loss due to daily launches.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks.