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Games end at Different times for Different players

  1. Windows PC
I have seen this several times over the years...but it was most obvious at the end of this latest game. I was playing at the "end" of the game at which time I was in 1st place by over 20 thousand points. There was no possible way anyone in the game could catch me, even if they held their bonus points to the very end. The only way I could be caught is if my game ended, but others in the same game continued to play. I always suspected that the game does not end at the same time for each of the 100 people in the group. In support of this idea, I was not notified of the results of the game until 8 full hours after my game had ended. This is not unusual...in fact it is very common to not be notified of the results long after the end of the game. Sometimes a full day after the end...at other times is just a few minutes after the game. There is no way that it takes the system that long to figure out the results of a game with 100 people per group. What is really happening is some of the other players in YOUR game are still playing! So, after 8 hours, I was informed that I placed 2nd in my game that I was leading by 20k at the end. Somebody had used those 8 hours to gain the 20 thousand points they needed to pass me. Its petty frustrating to play a game this way, but I guess it's the best they can do.
Due to time differences in different regions, such as players from the UK, the US, France, Spain, etc Like the Asian region, there are Japan, South Korea, China (including Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan), Singapore There are still many players in this game that have not been mentioned, such as those who belong to the Arab region (because I am not sure about their specific countries)
  1. Windows PC
Due to time differences in different regions, such as players from the UK, the US, France, Spain, etc Like the Asian region, there are Japan, South Korea, China (including Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan), Singapore There are still many players in this game that have not been mentioned, such as those who belong to the Arab region (because I am not sure about their specific countries)
Of course it is global, but that does not explain the IN GAME time difference. Each game of 100 people starts very close to the same time regardless of what time zone they live in. The system selects players by their ranking and puts them in groups of 100. In most cases this takes only a few minutes before the group is complete to 100. Those that go in "late", say only 50 people are thrown in together and the next 50 are put into the game as they are available, they are put into an already "running" game...so their clock should show the same time as the other players, but they lost a few minutes of playing time in the game. So it does not matter what time zone you are in...everyone's clock within the game of 100 people should all read the same, showing the time left to play, and the game should end for everyone in that group all at the same time. Something is wrong though...it has never actually worked that way in the 3 years I have been playing. You might not notice if you are not in the top 3 since the game does not give you the results after it ends (ever wonder why?). It does say what place you finished in though...so you can see right as the games ends what place you are in and compare it to how the system says you finished once it gives you a result. More often than not you will find some people have moved ahead of you. I know most of you don't really care...so there is that :)
It is not that others are allowed to play even when it ends for you, it ends for all at the same time, the difference is someone might have collected points offline and once the event ends, they come online so the points are added all of a sudden, this is why you don't receive the rewards at the same time after every event, they take around 3 to 4 hours to allow all points to be uploaded and then release the rewards
each event ends exactly at the same moment for all the players. always have, always will.
but yes, as @Sai said, some players may have some extra points to be loaded right before it ends. And don’t forget that points are not instantly tallied. The board is updated every 15 minutes or so, and there are no updates on the last 15 minutes. that per se can be enough for some players to add up a fair amount of points, especially if they’re ok with spending some greenies on getting more third tasks.
and I’m only mentioning here legit ways of grabbing last minute points. Because we all know there’s people using pesky tricks to increase their score in a blink.
nevertheless I stand by what I said at the beginning: the bell rings, and the event is over for all.


1500+ Star Club
All New Tadashi
  1. Android
  2. None of the above
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each event ends exactly at the same moment for all the players. always have, always will.
but yes, as @Sai said, some players may have some extra points to be loaded right before it ends. And don’t forget that points are not instantly tallied. The board is updated every 15 minutes or so, and there are no updates on the last 15 minutes. that per se can be enough for some players to add up a fair amount of points, especially if they’re ok with spending some greenies on getting more third tasks.
and I’m only mentioning here legit ways of grabbing last minute points. Because we all know there’s people using pesky tricks to increase their score in a blink.
nevertheless I stand by what I said at the beginning: the bell rings, and the event is over for all.
there are some small time differences depending on the platform the event has been played. For example: (own experience in the past) Windows was around 20 seconds longer active as on Android. For launche
s : PLEY was sometimes one minute behind android and windows. Lucky that on PLEY it has been never possible to play events.
there are some small time differences depending on the platform the event has been played. For example: (own experience in the past) Windows was around 20 seconds longer active as on Android. For launche
s : PLEY was sometimes one minute behind android and windows. Lucky that on PLEY it has been never possible to play events.
I hadn’t experienced that on events, but it seems plausible. Anyway, that’s negligible. Even in launches, sometimes the same launch ends at slightly different moments, usually some seconds. Not hours.
  1. Windows PC
each event ends exactly at the same moment for all the players. always have, always will.
but yes, as @Sai said, some players may have some extra points to be loaded right before it ends. And don’t forget that points are not instantly tallied. The board is updated every 15 minutes or so, and there are no updates on the last 15 minutes. that per se can be enough for some players to add up a fair amount of points, especially if they’re ok with spending some greenies on getting more third tasks.
and I’m only mentioning here legit ways of grabbing last minute points. Because we all know there’s people using pesky tricks to increase their score in a blink.
nevertheless I stand by what I said at the beginning: the bell rings, and the event is over for all.
I guess we will just have to disagree on this. Yes, I understand the different ways of dumping points into the game right at the end, but this goes beyond that. The board updates closer to every 5 mins and there is no way it requires the system several hours to update at the end of the game to come up with a final score...unless this game has the worst game code in history to count points, but it doesn't. It can count the points "live" every 5....or 15 if you prefer...minutes, so it does not take the system several hours or even a full day to count up the final score. No matter how many points are dumped in at the last second the game code can count it out in seconds to come up with a final total. I know everyone wants to believe that the final bell is the same for everyone, but I'm telling you it does not work that way. The reason for the delay in the final score count is because the system is waiting for all 100 players in your game to end their play.


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
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040QG6123 / no generic 'pilot xxxxxx' names will be accepted
City of Dunwall
From my experience, game points are synced in about 10 mins, based on observing that when I complete middle task for 400pts/20 mins refresh, points are added to competition score after those 10 minutes...

I do believe that the event timer is not 'server' based but device based. You can clearly play whole event in offline mode (obviously without competing, just for progress rewards - been there, done that) and the event will end once the bell rings.

And about this 'not getting final score right after event ends' I think it just simply waits for daily refresh/reboot, as of new game day start, which in my case is at (currently) 2 am CEST > 00:00 UTC.. which is (if I remember correctly) three hrs after event ends...

And finally, if this was really an issue, there would have been way more complaints.. 🙂
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350+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
040QG6123 / no generic 'pilot xxxxxx' names will be accepted
City of Dunwall
@Udog - just noticed you're playing on PC. Don't know if this info is accurate (no phone device at all) but I am aware there are some syncing differences between android/pc (i do play on both but use PC only on friday for bonus) and happened few times I started pc game after 1700 CEST and last server game time was 5-6 hours old, even thou I played whole day on phone...
Not saying this is IT, but it may bring some more options/views to think about..
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  1. Windows PC
@Udog - just noticed you're playing on PC. Don't know if this info is accurate (no phone device at all) but I am aware there are some syncing differences between android/pc (i do play on both but use PC only on friday for bonus) and happened few times I started pc game after 1700 CEST and last server game time was 5-6 hours old, even thou I played whole day on phone...
Not saying this is IT, but it may bring some more options/views to think about..
Yes that is interesting....I do play only on my PC, but I do have a couple of different pc versions on the same computer due to the different bonus options offered by GI. So I have changed versions during a running game before to collect the bonus and have seen the same difference in server time vs. the time on the other version of the game. Its not usually as old as 5-6 hours, but can be an hour or so different. So yeah, I see your point.
  1. Windows PC
From my experience, game points are synced in about 10 mins, based on observing that when I complete middle task for 400pts/20 mins refresh, points are added to competition score after those 10 minutes...

I do believe that the event timer is not 'server' based but device based. You can clearly play whole event in offline mode (obviously without competing, just for progress rewards - been there, done that) and the event will end once the bell rings.

And about this 'not getting final score right after event ends' I think it just simply waits for daily refresh/reboot, as of new game day start, which in my case is at (currently) 2 am CEST > 00:00 UTC.. which is (if I remember correctly) three hrs after event ends...

And finally, if this was really an issue, there would have been way more complaints.. 🙂
You mean way more complaints on THIS forum....which is (not to be rude) but a very inactive forum for such a large game. There maybe lots of complaints to GI who don't actually seem to look into anything but who are very nice and polite in their scripted replies. I'm not sure players of this game even care all that much about their placement in the games....they just like playing it. All of which are fine with me...I'm just saying the game timing is not what it seems. :)
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