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gamerader loss of neighbors/ game reset to lev 54


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
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I also had that problem. It was after I contacted Game support, for some weird count down timers in some objects. Gamesupport did solve it, by sending me all the items I since build. They did not restore my game to the latest version, what was a bid sad.

maby you can restore your last good game by copy SaveProfile_backup.bin to SaveProfile.bin, but first make a backup of SaveProfile.bin before you try it.


350+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
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Well my gamerader just had a major problem. last weekend lost all 165 neighbors, and now gamerader reset to level 54, lost alliance headquarters, 2 grand hotels, town hall level 6, mail kiosk, and the building for comleteing the event, reserve hanger
did GI restore your progress from level 54?
  1. Android
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Hi @david smith,
that happened to me too.:(:mad:
i´m really sad with the bad luck i have with this game. 1st i was blocked by GI for 2 months, missed christmas event, Then i had to upgrade again my pilot school, for no reason it was asking for items again (@lacey help me with that ;)
And today in the afternoon my game was launching a red (wich i participate in January), my new buidings (love event, halloween event, control tower, etc...) just disapear, i was in level 60 and now i´m in 55. I had almost 800 coins and have 400?! now. I also noticed that i lost neighbours i added this month.
It means that i will not get events items i finished? or buildings i upgraded?
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