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Friday 29th March 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

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04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
Hi everybody,

Updated my sig for noya12.
Thankx everyone for the gifts, especially to tdv for the bracelets, you're awesome!!!!!
Who is willing to help me with the needs on my sig????
Thanx in advance. Gifts are going out in a couple of hours.
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Sky Ranger
Please send the Silver Crescents. Thanks!

tdv Could you please send several Video Boards to me for Football (Soccer) Stadium
In my neighbor list, I have TDV (4, 19, 20) TDVCrApple2 is still showing in "Waiting" folder

One Bad Day I sent a neighbor request to you. Congrats on getting your game back. I'm glad you are finally having One Good Day :)
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aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
tdv Could you please send several Video Boards to me for Football (Soccer) Stadium
In my neighbor list, I have TDV (4, 19, 20) TDVCrApple2 is still showing in "Waiting" folder

One Bad Day I sent a neighbor request to you. Congrats on getting your game back. I'm glad you are finally having One Good Day :)
Didn't see ya on my "Waiting", so i sent you a request.

Does anyone know who "xenon" is? Got a request from him/her, but i am really trying to add only people that are on this forum so i can have communication to better gift them.


500+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Didn't see ya on my "Waiting", so i sent you a request.

Does anyone know who "xenon" is? Got a request from him/her, but i am really trying to add only people that are on this forum so i can have communication to better gift them.
you're not the first to ask about xenon. he/she must be in the forum but apparently doesn't post. kinda sneaky


Since the new update. New needs: Silver Crescent or Three Leaf Clover. Good luck To Everybody. Who has the Farm Market?
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Hi, thank you for your gifts I didn't know about the update but I'll send you silver crescent (y) also If all my friends can help me with Silver crescent please I'll be grateful as always :X3:
Excuse me tdv if you update or have other account with easter mission can you gift me silver crescent please? Thank you so much!!
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