Phantom - was already planning to send you one after gifts reset in a couple of hours
air canillas, I just accepted your request.. (sorry..I hope is not to late..) and Thanks for being my neighbornsari, I've sent you a request for sari2. I'll send my gifts in 30 minutes.
done. sent an assembly roboti added you, pls accept
pienicki, as you also have a 'new' android game...
Do you also have the space quest for he next 12 days?
flip123 - for the people who did not complete the space race the 1st time on android - they have a 2nd chance to complete it now...
If you already have a MCC or a LP - then just moveing it one block any side will get the game to register that you have complete the build...
Hope that makes sense...
I can send Flip123 and TDVCrApple2 an assembly robot, but my gifts don't reset for five hours. It looks to me at this point, they will each need one more. Phantom's gifts reset in only two hours. As long as everyone gets what they need, I'm thrilled!
I Fly