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Friday 13th February 2015

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350+ Star Club
Comeback Flyers
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
spearman78*item needed*
Sent out the following items...

@Long passengers and flight items
@pegasus altemeter
@lorenzooznerol spare wire
@flip123 flight items...but what I sent I forgot. lol!
@Bali Hi catalyst
@TallguyNL osc beacon
@PJW catalyst (let me know if you got it) Not sure if I actually sent that.
@French Post passengers
@spearman78 sent flight catering/wire

I'm still going thru everyones requests and I'll get gifts out before the reset. (My Southerplaya game...I haven't cleared out the non-forum members from my second game. Please look out for my request.)

Thanks for the gifts...will try to make it a habit to tag incoming and outgoing gifts.
Updated signature.
@Southerplaya I sent requests from both my games to your southerplaya2 account
Thanks for your gifts! My gifts went out a moment ago and my signature has been updated to reflect my current needs.

@Mario's Dad: thanks for the Altimeter to my second game, sent you Fuel (20).
@zenmie: thanks for the Passengers and Altimeter to my second game, sent you Fuel (20).
@nsari: thanks for the Spare Propeller to my second game, sent you Fuel (20).
@LAX: thanks for the Altimeter to my second game, sent Flight Catering to your LAX-2 game.
@melony: thanks for the Fuel (20) to my second game, sent you Fuel (20).
@bubbajed5711: thanks for the Fuel (20) to my second game, sent you Fuel (20).
@javi: thanks for the Passengers and Flight Catering to my second game, sent you Fuel (20).
@GiftXchange: thanks for the Spare Propeller to my second game, sent you Fuel (20).
@Shinobi273: thanks for the Passengers, sent you Fuel Catalyst.
@Deetee04: thanks for the Passengers, sent you Fuel (20).
@Pavolko_Gun: sent you Fuel (20), sent you Fuel (20).
@chirimoya: thanks for the Passengers, sent you Fuel (20).
@Polar: thanks for the Passengers, sent you Fuel (20).
@daniel degracia: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Fuel (20).
@Nick Schultz: thanks for the Passengers, sent you Fuel (20).
@TSharper: thanks for the Passengers and Spare Propeller to my second game, sent you Spare Propeller.
@flip123: thanks for the multiple Fuel (20) and Deicer to my second game, sent Fuel (20) and Deicer to your Jpjpjp2 game. Sent Wall Speaker to your Jpjpjp4 game.
@Toddfish: thanks for the Passengers, sent you Fuel (20).
@Juvenal: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Fuel (20).
@rahaa: thanks for the Passengers, sent you Deicer.
@Southerplaya: thanks for the Passengers and Altimeter to my second game, sent you Spaceship Launch Console.
@Alfonz Senki: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Oscillating Beacon.
@Beer Baron: thanks for the Passengers, sent you Fuel Hose.
@spearman78: thanks for the Spare Propeller to my second game, sent you Fuel (20).
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