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Expanding Your Signature for Visitors

  1. Android
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Sky Ranger
With the recent changes and updates to the game, I think it may be helpful if members would expand their signature to include a list of their Residential and Commerce buildings; since, there are certain Collections and Missions that can only be fulfilled by visiting your neighbors.

What do you think?

Here is a (partial) list of some of the buildings that are helpful to visitors:

Residential: Tower Building, Round House, Bearing- Wall House, Multi-Story Building, Country House, Villa, Manor, Stone Castle, Mansion, Townhouse, Side Wing, Cottage
Commerce: All-Stars Movie Theater, Rock Shop, Water Park, History Museum, Exhibition Center, Circus, Sports Shop, Donut Shop

(Feel free to add to this list, too.)
  1. Android
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c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
I already had listed in mine the fact that I had the Exhibition Center just for the night vision goggles mission. I think a list needs to be put together of the collectable items that you can or have to get from other people's bldgs.
  1. Android
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Sky Ranger
That's a great idea... I just did a quick run through the Collections "Treasure Chest" to get a list of buildings that are helpful to visit. A reverse list of what items to get from each building would be very helpful, too.

I did forget to mention that visiting the Hangars (Level 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5)
will also give some collectible items, too!

(By the way, I actually came up with this idea after seeing your signature update and some other players' posts about helping each other with obtaining night vision goggles) We will see if others may find it helpful, too...
  1. Android
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Sky Ranger
I already had listed in mine the fact that I had the Exhibition Center just for the night vision goggles mission. I think a list needs to be put together of the collectable items that you can or have to get from other people's bldgs.
Since the good people at Game Insight recently fixed my "neighbor visiting" problems with the game, I am now back on task to complete the Treasure Chest Collections and missions from the various Airport City characters.
I have put together a comprehensive list of what to find and where, when I visit neighbors; and, I thought I would share a copy in case anyone else might find it helpful.
This list includes the treadmill treasure chest items (hoping that it will return) as well as the current missions/tasks I am working on.

Please add to the list if you are working on any other missions that I am not aware of,
or if this list changes because of a future update...

Side Cap, Bottle of Wine, Beauty Bag, Rules, Lifejacket, Rolling Suitcase

Donuts: Coffee, Black Tea, Lassi
Book Store: Wrapping Paper (for Mr. Wulf)
Sports Shop: Sports Bag
Car Dealership: Stabilizers (for Mr. Shtern)
Circus: Bear, Elephant, Penguin
Exhibition Center: Republic Plaza Skyscraper, 63 Building, Central Plaza Building, Night Vision/Beer Goggles (for Mr. Smith)
History Museum: Maya Writings, Sanskrit
Water Park: Sea Shell, Coral
Rock Shop: Saxophone, Violin
All-Stars Movie Theater: Queen Victoria, Marilyn Monroe, Confucius

Residential Buildings
Cottage: Briefcase, Sneakers, Wristbands, Portable audio player, Pedometer, Isotonic drink
Side Wing: Old Suitcase, Sneakers, Wristbands, Portable audio player, Pedometer, Isotonic drink
Townhouse: Bottle of Wine, Beauty Bag, Notepad, Sneakers, Wristbands, Portable audio player, Pedometer, Isotonic drink
Mansion: Traveling Bag, Sneakers, Wristbands, Portable audio player, Pedometer, Isotonic drink
Stone Castle: Malta Crest, Canaries Crest, Iceland Crest
Manor: Traveling Bag
Villa: Buddha Figurine, Ancient Venus, Knight on Horseback, Sneakers, Wristbands, Portable audio player, Pedometer, Isotonic drink
Country House: Old Suitcase, Coats (for Mr. Wulf)
Multi-Story Building: Old Suitcase, Sports Bag, Rolling Suitcase
Bearing-Wall House: Traveling Bag, Briefcase
Round House: Traveling Bag, Rolling Suitcase
Tower Building: Old Suitcase, Sports Bag
  1. Android
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Great idea! Anything helpful is...well...helpful! :p

Maybe Dave could pin it in "Airport City News & Guides" since it contains a few other helpful lists? Or maybe it's time to start a new Forum dedicated to "lists"?
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