- Device
- Android
- iPad
- Friend Code
- aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
- Username
- OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
Argh..... to think I just sold most of my jumbos 2 days ago to work on Nagoya, etc flights. Then I realized although I finished this Russian quest last year, I was not able to 3-star the jumbo destination due to lack of time. Sigh... have to buy jumbos again. Hope I can 3-star them this time.
BTW, if you are my neighbor and you need gun camera, just ping me! I will send you. And to anyone who need the museums for getting the medals, I have 3 of them.
Sent you an inv from my OBD Russian game and one from Flyerduck as well, would appreciate an add, thanks!!