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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Android email

  1. Android
Friend Code
ik krijg altijd email van city air port om mij te vertellen dat er een vriend in nood is om een lancering mee te doen.
wie kan mij daar mee helpen
met vriendelijke groeten geert

Cosmic Blue

VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
yarcb (windows pc)
This forum is primarily English speaking. Please post in English.

if you would like to post in another language, please do it through Private mail or create a thread in area 51.

Thank you

Cosmic Blue

VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
yarcb (windows pc)
Sorry, he wanted tot know why he gets An email when someone launches.
I asked him of it was an email or a push message..
And I don't know if he speaks english that is why i answered him in Dutch.

I was not speaking to anyone in particular only giving a general warning.

he may have gotten a email because has posted in that particular thread and has it ticked on in his preferences.

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