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Duty free advice pls


150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
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Duty Free is not one of the best features of the game. You need to be gifted or buy the items to 'stock' the shop it then runs for between 20 minutes and 2 days and then gives some coins.
I've had mine for nearly 3 months since it came to the iPad and it has traded about 6 times. I think was the biggest waste of effort, time and resource to build it.
If you search the forum , there are many posts relating to it, and not many are positive.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
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aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
I did not think it was possible to sell it as it came up as an "unique" building when I tried it.
This is what mine says as well: "This building is unique and can't be removed." - Once built, it is there forever. To me, it would seem more like an "End Game" kind of building. Like after you have completed all the missions and gathered all the stars, you have your friends just gift the Duty Free items and "trade" them....who knows, GI isn't known for it's intelligent design. Sure it hits the mark from time to time, but not normally.
  1. Android
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PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
@One Bad Day well if you accept my neighbour invite could you possibly gift me some Cognac as I need about 5 to use up my other supplies:)
I do agree good concept but extremely poor execution from GI, especially when 3 items are not giftable, Skin Care Products, Filled Choclates and Perfume!:mad:
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