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Drop rates on event flights...


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
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2 drops in 44 flights to Cambridge. This is shaping up to be another dud like last event. Abandoning sooner rather then later seems like a good option. I'm not going to be in on the 2 cycle event completion if that's the idea of the way they are be structured now.

Blue Jay

600+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
I 3-starred Cambridge with my android alliance support game and got enough drops to build 1 university. Since then, drops have been practically zilch. Luckily I have plenty of neighbors with universities, so only having 1 in my own airport isn't so bad.
That's lucky Ive done double and not got 1 uni yet, but haven't used any bonuses yet


150+ Star Club
The lower level the plane you send - the lower the drop rate. From a post Free2Play made:
There's one general rule: bigger planes that require more passengers have better drop rates than smaller ones — this way higher level players don't get punished for acquiring bigger planes and progressing through the game. It might say 'very seldom' for both, because it is a difference between, say, 1% and 2% chance to get something and it is indeed very seldom in both cases, but if you have enough fuel and passengers the most viable strategy is always flying the largest planes available in the fleet.

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