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Windows Down the Rabbit Hole disappear

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Not, my progress has been not restored correctly. It has a "jump" at one day ago.
Yesterday I gathered full set of all collections but now one collection is 4/5.
My ticket 7989146
My has been restored only partially. It shows on the collectable tab but not on the event tab.


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GUYS: each game has been fully restored. Please reopen your game and wait a bit. All progress of event should be back!
Gt city, pls help your too fast and impatient neighbor :banghead::cry: I restarted playing between the time event reappeared and the time the progress has been restored and worst thing is that I was working on finishing the subquests. So once I got the last requested item from the Wonderland flights I was asked to collect one Mad-Tea Party collection (counter was anyway 5/5) and one Wind Through the keyhole collection (where I'm was before this morning bug at 1/5 and now I should be at 2/5 but of course I was restored to 1/5).
Fortunately, I was preparing my message to GI asking for my progress to be restored so I have a screenshot of the intermediary situation with 0/5, 1/5 and 1/5 progress as well as screenshots of all 4 collections. As this is my first time playing this event proofs should be enough for GI to amend my progress from 5/5, 5/5, 1/5 to 5/5, 5/5, 2/5.
Everything described in my ticket to GI and all screenshots attached there and...
Your request (#7989858) has been received, and is being reviewed by our support staff. Normally we come up with a reply within 24 hours.

As always thanks for your great support to your in-game neighbors.
Pit1024 (Peter)

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
@Pit1024 @wwo55 @Ravi Kumar @M22 Thanks for ticket number, just FW them.... Please wait a bit more. Hope all c an be fixed by GI Tech Support asap.

If anyone still having problems or game was not fully restored, open a ticket, if you did not open it yet, and post it here.
form for ticket: https://www.game-insight.com/en/support/form

@Pakman Happy for you. Also my game has been fully restored. I have 5/5 for all 3 needed collections, now I have it again. Flying for stars now...
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Ticket number 7989912. Game was restored so that I may play the event, however only 4 of the 5 On Her Majesty's Service collections were restored and 0 of 1 Mad Tea-Party collection was restored.
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I got the gift box too. Did anyone get their collection count restored correctly towards the completion of the event? I did not. The email from Gi implied it was supposed to be corrected but maybe I was misreading it?
here is the response from GI I got, never got the chest, sent e-mail letting them know I never received them

Mary Heiden (Game Insight Support)

Aug 14, 20:58 MSK

Dear player,

We know that Down the Rabbit Hole event is very important to our players, that's why we've done our best to troubleshoot this mishap in the shortest time possible. We've decided that the best solution in this case was to roll your game progress back to the state of the morning of 14.08.2017. Soon we'll also give you a chest with valuable event items as a compensation, so you can complete the event tasks faster.

Would you kindly check your game with a stable Internet connection and tell me the result. If any of the ratings chests are missing, or you have any other troubles, let me know.

We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused.

Game Insight Support Team
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That was the exact same message that I got. I understand the last sentence in the second paragraph as the collection count would be correct now. Is it just me or does anyone else have the same understanding?
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