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doas the Airship Dock had time limit ?

  1. Android
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i start to build the Airship Dock, and i need a lot of more iteams
but from time to time i get time limit message about finish the Airship Dock by 1 day, and later it disapeard
the question is , should i finish pick up all the iteams in one day ?
  1. Android
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c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
Once its built, you have three days where Duke Crooker (I call him Bernie Lomax) will park there and offer discount prices on special items. Apparently, he'll come back from time to time and offer more discounts as well.
  1. Android
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WLG Old Lantern
Those quests are very much like boys: Want always something weired, always in rush, finish too early and the result is mostly disapointing.... :mellow:
Hey I do not think anything has been weird and I am still completing this mission as there is no time limit, so I can savour every little twist and move.
However as it all comes to an end I too most likely will have something completely useless and left feeling empty and used. :blush: But like all codependent relationships I will still stay around, knowing things will get better and GI will change for me. Honestly they will :mellow:
  1. Android
Friend Code
c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
You mean like I have now the Airship dock standing around so the Airship can come and visit me whenever it feels like?

From what I hear, Duke will bring his airship shop to your airport twice a month for 3 days offering you wonderful prizes at a discounted price.
  1. Android
Friend Code
c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
Those quests are very much like boys: Want always something weired, always in rush, finish too early and the result is mostly disapointing.... :mellow:

GI eff's us on a daily basis making us do strange and pointless tasks which always seem to end way too fast and a majority of the people never get to finish unless they pay green cash to do it and no one ever seems satisfied with the results.

Sounds to me like the Quests are hookers and GI is their pimp.

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