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Windows Do I really need the space program?

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@Speed Welcome to the forum. Feel free to add me as a neighbor if you'd like. No planetariums but I am willing to help with gifts.

Others have said a lot of what I would have said already, but I can't reiterate enough just how much payback you get from launching, especially Red rockets, and visiting planetariums. You'll start finding after a little time that you can earn 20-25k per day in coins, which makes having commercial buildings in your city seem like a lot of work for very little income. It really helps as the price of items goes up.

The other thing I'd say is play the game in a way that's fun to you. There is a lot of great advice here, but you also need to enjoy it and sometimes drown out the negativity that sometimes eminates from members of the community. It's not bad and some of it definitely is 'spot on' but it's not enjoyable if it encroaches on you enjoying the game.

Hello @Davescharf,

Thank you for the encouragement and advice. I'll send you a neighbor request. I'm sorry I cannot send gifts today, there is some bug with my game and I'm trying to figure it out. My daily mission, help to neighbors and gift to neighbors did not reset today. I've sent game support a message already.
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Welcome to the Forum @Speed! While I can't really add to what others have said, I can tell you that I wish I would have found the forum before I spent two months trying to figure out game strategy and tactics on my own. Until I met others, I would have never guessed I could get 20,000 coins just by visiting neighbors daily. I also would have never understood the benefit of the adventure flights and space flights. Like Dave says, play the game in a way that's fun for you. I'm loving it and I'm not afraid to brag by saying I have the most awesome neighbors in the game! Feel free to send me a neighbor request if you're looking to add more neighbors.

Hello @PhactorPhil,

Thank you for the welcome, how do you get 20,000 coins by visiting neighbors? I'll send you a neighbor request and please let me know if you need anything that I could send. I just cant send anything today because of this bug on my game like I said in the reply above.

Wasted Eagle

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Welcome to the forum. Neighbour request sent ;)

The knowledge base in here is staggering and the community of people willing and wanting to help is remarkably uplifting considering the dog eat dog of the world we live in. This game and community is unusual in that the reward for helping others invariably comes back 10 fold. A quick word of advice. Most newbies to these forums jump in and start randomly posting questions all over the place. You haven't done that, but it is common. I reckon about 95% of all questions you can think of have been answered repeatedly through the threads. The search function above is your friend. The wiki link down below in the blue section is your AC holy book.

Go back to the original welcome message you received when joining and read the info in detail. That blurb from @Gt city has been fine tuned over time to provide you with the best course of actions and advice to get you going. In my mind, probably the most important thing you can do to get yourself moving and get others helping you along, is to get your signature in place. Don't short cut and do it half hearted, spend the time to read the threads and see what people suggest are the best ways to go about it. They're all a little different, but the best ones have all the same core features... detail, minimalist clutter/colour/junk and, although detailed, not 2 miles long!

Cheers :)
Your posts sure ain't getting any shorter, Bob. :p:D Good advices, though... (y)


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Hello @PhactorPhil,

how do you get 20,000 coins by visiting neighbors?

By visiting neighbor's planetariums. You'll collect items for the Distant Prospects and Lunar Race collections, which provide 2,000 coins. It'll take a few visits to build up the number of items in the collection, but after a few days of regular visiting, the collection will be completed after each visit. Assuming 5 neighbors with 5 planetariums, you'll get 25 opportunities per day to complete the collection.

Check out this thread to get started:
Planetariums & Level 3 Space Mission Buildings to Visit

Wasted Eagle

1200+ Star Club
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By visiting neighbor's planetariums. You'll collect items for the Distant Prospects and Lunar Race collections, which provide 2,000 coins. It'll take a few visits to build up the number of items in the collection, but after a few days of regular visiting, the collection will be completed after each visit. Assuming 5 neighbors with 5 planetariums, you'll get 25 opportunities per day to complete the collection.

Check out this thread to get started:
Planetariums & Level 3 Space Mission Buildings to Visit
True. (y) But don't stop at 5 neighbours. ALL of your neighbour clicks should be planetarium (or training centre), when not on quest. The rest isn't worth it...
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Thank you all again for your advice and help. I think I only have 2-3 neighbors with planetariums and one training center LOL. but I do like to help/visit neighbors in all levels for the gifts they have given me.

Anyway I finally just started my first launch. I'm still trying to figure it out and it seems to need a lot of resources. guess I need to focus more flights to those space related destinations.
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