Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Diverse Problems

Hi friends, here are some new curious mistakes:

Since some days I can visit the cities of some of my neighbours, but 80% of their buildings are blinded out and cannot be visited.

Although I have overwritten my friends code in this and the other forum I get daily requests from unknown neighbours. If I want I can have 250 neighbours....any idea what is behind that? G!?

Still the same problem with friends connections on my second account (Windows Surface3). The most are ok, but roundabour 20% are in my list, I can visit them and send gifts, but I am in their wiating lists. Question : where are my gifts...?

Regarding the HUGE update....for me the game gets more and more boring since they stopped any kind of quests for us windows players. HIT THE BOTTOM only????

Yes, and all the other things like no items from 100 flights, or always the same of one and None of the others. Or These curious players like Anderl or Kaka with hundreds of flights on each target (isn't it easier and cheaper to buy the Gold Tokens when they offer a S2 plane????) May be G! plays WITH US??????

Wish you all a great weekend and my RED LAUNCH is still open....
Cheers Brasil


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Hello neighbor,

Yes, I saw the transparent buildings for the first time in one of my neighbors cities. I think it was Andreas. Over half of his buildings are there but are transparent and not clickable. This is different from buildings that are in the process of being built because the buildings are complete and not under construction.

I am also having issues receiving gifts from certain players such as Uschu that I know gift daily but I no longer receive gifts from him.

As was suggested in the "big upgrade coming" thread, I am really wondering if the issues with the game and the last update for Android/iOS are so large that they have decided to abandon the game altogether and let it die a slow death.

That would be a real shame but the longer and longer they do nothing, the game gets stale and many of us long time players will quit altogether.
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