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Dark Skies ghost guest planes?


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  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
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PLMerry [what I need], PLM2, & PLM3
Funny, I have 5 halloween shops and still have stockings under the two destinations
On Android & Windows (PLM2 & 3) I had striped stockings in Cyprus & London, only during that task in the story line. I also had pointed hat in Egypt and Rome during that part of the story line. PLMerry was in the event last year and did not have either.
  1. iPhone
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On Android & Windows (PLM2 & 3) I had striped stockings in Cyprus & London, only during that task in the story line. I also had pointed hat in Egypt and Rome during that part of the story line. PLMerry was in the event last year and did not have either.

This seems right. I have pointy hat right now, but not stripped stockings and this is my first time on this event.
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