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KingJon85 Most people should know by now that they can get lanterns from neighbors.
The drop rate is still pretty poor though, since you are limited to the number of neighbor visits a day, and only 5 clicks on each one.
Then count the rate of items dropping when you use the lanterns on your own airport. When you're trying to send out 2-3 sleighs flying every EDIT:![]()
40 minutes1 hr 20 minutes ....
Oh well, there's 21 days to go yet. It will be interesting to see how many people make it, even with tremendous help from tdv(plugging whenever possible)
It's a very annoying mission. I used 12 old lanterns and only i got is a Christmas Cap and a stupid Cap with a pompon (I have five of them already).
Not a single f. star dust.
I also finished A Space Odyssey Colection (twice) and guest what .. noooo Alien Legacy (you have to collect 3 times) .