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- a3xytou
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- Lebiegas
bubbajed5711, I have accepted your invite.
BrakeTown: that's what your in-game name says, "BrkTn SpWre.meal", that's what it shows now, and the reason I have been sending you Spare Wire.bubbajed5711, I have accepted your invite.
Long, I don't need spare wire for now, just return catering meal. Thanks.
I cannot finish cosmic fuel station, please help who can with laser level and robot tester.
Signature is updated
vayka1 add me, i can send u sleigh oil if you send me archive boxSig updated!!!!
Who can help me with 1 SLEIGH OIL please????? So at least i can one sleigh off!!!!!
Flying the last 4 days to every destination, but none is dropping
Still no visiting/gifting appliance, i'm going to get very, very pissed of with GIS after almost 6 weeks!!!!
Thankx in advance for sending me this ONE GIFT.
When i'm back in bussines, if i'm ever going to, i'll send gifts everyday as i did before this issue appeared.
Thank you all for the all the gifts today.
This time I will only list 4 of you with item that i sent; for 16 of you I just mention you name because while I was listing your name with gifts my laptop suddenly blackout. I lost everything I type. Thus here goes:-
Dee - Gyroscope
Melanie - Fuel Hose
groeting - Cognac
L.E.X. - Fuel Hose
Game Username :- AirCon/XMas, Jed shampoo
Suresh Pal
My wife finished shopping a long time ago and she still manages to get all my moneyLaternas magicas come to me!
It is frustrating when use approx. 30 laterns and every elf is empty like a wallet when your wife finished shopping...
@ Bali2 i have added you as friend. i need packaging machine thankstdv has been time travelling?
He thinks today is Tuesday... not Thursday.
Thanks for the Passenger Seats & Fuel!!
Signature updated, I need the fuel now.
Please do not send me the Santa stuff anymore , I already finish the mission
Than it is again GI's ugly bug. The names are not updated on your side. In any case I appreciate any gift from my neighbors. Thank you guys!BrakeTown: that's what your in-game name says, "BrkTn SpWre.meal", that's what it shows now, and the reason I have been sending you Spare Wire.
Than it is again GI's ugly bug. The names are not updated on your side. In any case I appreciate any gift from my neighbors. Thank you guys!
My current name in the game is BrkTn RobtTestr, because I need Robot Tester to finish the cosmic fuel station. Too bad all our efforts to communicate are scrambled by GI efforts.
"GI sucks"© big time?
oopsie... wishfull thinking... Backlog at work and backlog in gifting!!! What can I say - perhaps time travelling would be good...
It was started before my caffeine intake... so maybe its an excuse....
Lantens sent out this morning.... 2nd batch is under way now... (too many to list and too many eyes reading)
apart from that:
daniel degracia - sent you ergo chairs, insulation and transmitter
retkot - retren sent ergo chairs
Beer Baron - sent you the covers.
Tom - sent you covers
Ant - sent you covers
t1878 - MrT - sent you cover & all inc bracelets
jamie - do you need more covers?
knpl - sent you covers.
AC program glitch - I was able to send 1000 Old Lanterns to each and every one of my neighbors!!
Yeah, I wish. Maybe when GI doesn't suck any more, so probably never. How's that brookeluke ? or am I still giving them too much credit?![]()
Getting better!!! Too much credit??? Never.......I don't think that's possible. We all must be thankful for the wonderful people at GI for giving us this wonderful glitch free game for Xmas. Haha.....maybe Xmas 2016??? Then again.....4 more years and we will still have issues.