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Daily Trading Thread for Sunday 3rd June 2012

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sent :
Lee : fuel 3
Pb, Twisteduk : fuel additives
Iveman, Dave, Dee, dax, Droidair, I007791, Vangees07, Tree, Divya, Kane82, Elijackjack, Faithtear, Warrenz72, Tina, Bigmaca, VI, Kitty : passengers 10
  1. Android
Friend Code
Sky Ranger
Dear Friends

I've send out the following

Vialino - Flight Catering (Please send me loudspeaker or flight helmet)

PB 1988 - Additives Fuel (Please send me Grinding machine)
Airport BEW0072 - Fuel Hose (Please send me flight goggles)

DeiDei - Flight catering (Please send me controller)
paulo1845 - flight catering (Please send me flight helmet)
jimmy 21 - Fuel Hose (Please send me defroster)

Bali Hi I just add you. Can you send me a defroster, I can send you Fuel Additives.
Sky Rangers I just add you. Can you send me a flight goggles, I can send you whiteboard.

Thanks for the whiteboard...I just sent the flight goggles.
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