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Daily Trading Thread for Sunday 28th October 2012

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  1. Android
Friend Code
Phantom, it OK ive got a model now thanks, ill accept and send you some catering
Bali Hi, thanks for the model! Sent both of yours some catering/fuel, dont have what you need sorry.
DreamAir sent you some fuel
A380, if you add me ill send you a controller if you still need one
Long thanks, sent you some fuel
Aero thanks sent you some deicer
air canillas, sent a l.lamp to ACergo chair, guessing thats you
  1. Android
Friend Code
Sophie-Item needed
Sorry guys looks like my finger slip and I selected the wrong number on my friend code. You should be able to add me now. Thanks for all the help.


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
all gifts sent for today. thanks for everyones help. I'm flying for coins to upgrade my terminal and control tower. gifts will go out again tomorrow!
Bali Hi: thanks for the Ergonomic Chair, will need more if you can send tomorrow, thanks!
Andrew-YYZ: thanks for the cash counter!
Phantom: thanks for the Spare Wire!
gcjr: thanks for the Fuel!
stevel2606: thanks for the Fuel!
CK-Airport: thanks for the Fuel Additives!
hungyauming: thanks for the Additional Radar!
tdv: thanks for the Skin Care Products and Weather Display! Appreciate more Ergonomic Chairs.

I will return gifts later tonight after my daily gift reset. Still need more Ergonomic Chairs if you can help. Fuel is always appreciated as well. Thanks everybody.
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