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  1. Android
Thank you eat. And I hope you will get an answer. My friend sent email to support about this and no answer. He is an iiOS and iOS had this problem earlier.... Party off till the problem is fixed.
Break is appreciated, let´s see what the xmass quest will bring us. I made a nice progress today, made outer limits 5 times, that represents 5xQL bonus and 5x space needle. The needles are highly appreciated as I could get rid off of the unuseful quest buildings with 90 coins in 4 hours and 20 population bonus. This gave me more free place to build Egeskov castle. Cheers


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
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ahkdwlo , 04fsgyc9
erik1itemneeded, erik2itemneeded
In the meantime I got a standard reply from G! in which they say as little as possible with lots of words. They won't directly admit that it is their fault. Too costly. I can't copy and paste it , because my laptop is under repair... Anyway, don't be shy to raise a ticket with G!. The more complaints they get, the bigger the chance that it will be solved.

Few minutes ago I lost all the bonuses I used to get the completion of outer limit quest (initiated 5 hours earlier). Sky captain bonus and golden dice bonus are gone, seems to me the game is getting more nad more buggy. Unbelievable. Regarding the tickets, let´s hope the others will raise them as I do not want to discuss with GI support anything after the previous experiences. Such horibble behaviour and customer care should serve as a great example how you should not behave at all.
Few minutes ago I lost all the bonuses I used to get the completion of outer limit quest (initiated 5 hours earlier). Sky captain bonus and golden dice bonus are gone, seems to me the game is getting more nad more buggy. Unbelievable. Regarding the tickets, let´s hope the others will raise them as I do not want to discuss with GI support anything after the previous experiences. Such horibble behaviour and customer care should serve as a great example how you should not behave at all.
Did you play AC online or offline when you lost your bonuses ?
Did you play AC online or offline when you lost your bonuses ?

I do not know as I am out of the city visiting the parent´s house on highlands, so no wifi connection, but I should be online due to the standard 3G connection. The truth is the signal here is not the best one, usually 2-3 dots max out of 5. I am able to launch rockets, visit friends, but the reaction time from game is rather slow.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
In the last 24 hours I had a QL active.....
I could only see my own QL when I joined a launch from an IPAD player. As this happend 3 times, I don't think it is a coincident but we didn't have enough time to test this..... (iPad players Happy Helen (Benjamin Thomas), Pakman and Hburr)

The thought in the end was 1 IPad-player without QL, joined by two android with QL, but time ran out.....
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
Did you have a QL active when I joined your red launch last night flip123? I got a normal 24 hour launch, 7 1/2 hours left.
Yes, I had, but only when I jined someone on Ipad the others got the 2.24h, not those started by android
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
I just joined Capt Izzy launch and guess what. I saw mine...... And we are back in 15 mins.... Damn I miss 15 mins...... Is it mine better and others worst?
Robby Kusuma, you mean Capt Iz 69, he is also Ipad.
I think the combination Ipad initiating the launch, android supplying the QL is a working combination for all participants....


600+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Yulee , Yulee 2
Yulee , Yulee 2
I guess so.... To bad my baby iOS not strong enough. I guess.... Now I let Russians have their party.... I will make them can't sleep later.

Robby Kusuma, yesterday i flew few times with Alexpin, she have 2 account from Android and IOS, both of her acc use QL, i just realize the she use Android acc to open a launch, later on her IOS acc to join. No bug at all on that launch, all 6 launch landed on QL time

So the problem not always Android have to join IOS to open a launch
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