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Control Tower - All upgrades

  1. iPhone
Hello friends,

Heading for CT12. Much appreciated if anyone can offer up:

x9 Touchscreen, x9 LED Lamp, x8 Trackball, x9 Ergonomic Keyboard.

The items I can offer are in my signature. I can offer Trackball from the above.

Code: 03a89k0u

Appreciate any help. :)


500+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
PLMerry [what I need], PLM2, & PLM3
I am start to save toward my CT12 also, currently I need:

9 touchscreen
10 LED Lights
4 trackball
9 ergonomic keyboard

I can send trackballs.

@Fly Holland I believe that FlyH is you, making us neighbors already.
@FlyingViking I believe that FV is you, also making us neighbors already.
@markus I found msw1, so we too are neighbors already.
Trackballs sent to all 3 of you.
I am start to save toward my CT12 also, currently I need:

9 touchscreen
10 LED Lights
4 trackball
9 ergonomic keyboard

I can send trackballs.

@Fly Holland I believe that FlyH is you, making us neighbors already.
@FlyingViking I believe that FV is you, also making us neighbors already.
@markus I found msw1, so we too are neighbors already.
Trackballs sent to all 3 of you.
I will send LED until you tell me to stop... 😄😄
Thanks for trackball. Need those.

Best regards, Markus.
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