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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Control Tower - All upgrades


I have sent Video Cube. Please return whatever is in my gamename.

Let me know when you have enough, maths is not my strong suit !!


Hi @Harcourt . I only need one more Video Cube… if you could send one tomorrow, please, and that’s it. Thank you so much for your help! Much appreciated.



150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Jackie Case
I can gift Laser Rangefinder (Tower 9) for another 5 days for anyone who needs it also Pneumatic Cutter for Repair Base 6..
I will trade anything but if you have Tower level 10 items or Repair Base 6 items.
Hi am now working on CT10,now anything appreciated. Can send fingerprint reader if still required.
If your working on CT level 10 we can probably trade. I can send Infrared Cameras to you. I still need Infrared Cameras, Motion Sensors, Coffee Machines and Observation Drones. So basically: anything you can send for CT level 10 is welcom!
Friend code: 20hryb7pc.

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