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iOS Constant crashing

Barkmi4 (Mike)

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  1. iPad
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I'm on 7.15.45. I have constant crashing (sometimes it just hangs) while watching video ads. I have to watch the ad a few times before I can successfully get the item I'm working towards.

I've also had the game just crash while doing nothing more than waiting for guest planes to land.

Is anybody else experiencing this?
What device do you use? I have an old iPad mini 2 and that crashes constantly- it got better after hitting V7, but it will crash every day.
I have a new (6 month old) iPad and that runs perfectly now. It used to crash (5-10) versions ago when moving things around, but these issues seem to have resolved.
I'm on 7.15.45. I have constant crashing (sometimes it just hangs) while watching video ads. I have to watch the ad a few times before I can successfully get the item I'm working towards.

I've also had the game just crash while doing nothing more than waiting for guest planes to land.

Is anybody else experiencing this?
Issues can occur on iOS sometimes especially from corrupt data being saved over a long period of time. The good thing with iOS is that it’s easy to sort most things out yourself without GI by doing a fresh installation of the game. Assuming your Game Centre ID hasn’t changed (you would know because you’re the only person that can change it), simply delete AC from your device and download a fresh install from the AppStore. Start the game and it will appear to be back at level 1. Just let it run for about 30sec and once it connects to the server, a pop up will appear and ask you if you’d like to keep playing the current game or switch to the version on the server. Choose the server version and within a few seconds, your old game is back.

The only downside to doing this is that you will drop off the favourites list (golden heart) of any of your neighbours - no big deal, really.


1000+ Star Club
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Musketeers Alliance
Do you mean this build of AC or iOS? I run 6 devices using iOS, half of them using the Current version. I’ve been around the block with crashing issues in AC.

Either way, my previous post still sits as my best advice to start with.
I realize how unclear that was. I haven't had any problems with AC until installing the latest build of AC. In 3 months, I have had no crashes or glitches ... until 7.15. I hope the build due out today/tomorrow resolves the issue.

Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
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Barkmi4 *items*
I realize how unclear that was. I haven't had any problems with AC until installing the latest build of AC. In 3 months, I have had no crashes or glitches ... until 7.15. I hope the build due out today/tomorrow resolves the issue.
Based on the responses, I’d say you are alone on this one. Is your device nearly full?
Have you tried a reinstall? Make sure you are backed up via game centre first.
Based on the responses, I’d say you are alone on this one. Is your device nearly full?
Have you tried a reinstall? Make sure you are backed up via game centre first.
How do you backup via Game Centre?

As long as the server is a holding current save of the game (easily checked by taking a screenshot, shutting the game down and restarting with the internet connected - possibly the best method to determine the game has connected to the server after a restart is to see that alliance tasks are loaded) a reinstallation will work. If it doesn’t, then something is dodgy with the internet connection or the device itself.

Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
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  1. iPad
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Barkmi4 *items*
How do you backup via Game Centre?

As long as the server is a holding current save of the game (easily checked by taking a screenshot, shutting the game down and restarting with the internet connected - possibly the best method to determine the game has connected to the server after a restart is to see that alliance tasks are loaded) a reinstallation will work. If it doesn’t, then something is dodgy with the internet connection or the device itself.
Log in and ensure iCloud backups are done regularly.
I’ve restored this way before - you loose a bit more progress, but it is a secondary method of backing up.
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