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General Cloud drops

  1. Android
Here is my tips :
1. collect shovels
2. after you have 100 or 200, activate spy glass, not Dice or Golden Dice.
3.the appearance of snowdrifts normal is 15, when you finish tap all, visit a neighbour, than back home. another 15 snowdrifts will appear again.

Do not do it daily, do some only to fly..... or not.
Because what I did, during spy glass active, I fly and back too.
Normal day, I just fly somewhere......

Hope it helps.

Blue Aero

350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Blue Aero
Here is my tips :
1. collect shovels
2. after you have 100 or 200, activate spy glass, not Dice or Golden Dice.
3.the appearance of snowdrifts normal is 15, when you finish tap all, visit a neighbour, than back home. another 15 snowdrifts will appear again.

Do you know what clouds are??? I'm not participating in the event so why are you telling me about snow drifts?


350+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
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@Blue Aero - As far as I'm aware, the clouds that pass through the City / Airport do not provide any drops upon clicking on them. They will, however, delay you clicking on whatever it is they are passing over at the time.

May I ask what it was that you received as a drop from a cloud? Perhaps it was a delayed response to clicking on a specific building as the cloud was going over it, which would make the cloud disappear, and your click to harvest from whatever you were attempting to collect from.

G! DOES have at least 1 game (My Country 2020 I think), where they have the same clouds passing through the game screen. In that game, you click on so many, and it will finally give you an energy bolt, which was used to perform certain actions within that game.

When I first saw the clouds appear in AC, I clicked on quite a few - Both on purpose and accidentally - to see if that was the case in this one, but never received anything (Still haven't).

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