500+ Star Club
not watched this in ages might have to see if i can find itThe Prisoner (DVD Box Set - 7 Discs) Legendary and Iconic Cult TV series
Captain WH Rollins
not watched this in ages might have to see if i can find itThe Prisoner (DVD Box Set - 7 Discs) Legendary and Iconic Cult TV series
Captain WH Rollins
"Steve Austin, a man barely alive - gentlemen we can rebuild him, gentlemen we have the power, we have the technology to create the worlds first bionic man" - and that all from memory from back in the 1970's - my favorite show. I must get hold of this. And don't forget the Bionic Woman spin off was it Jamie Sommers?The Six Million Dollar Man - DVD box set 100 episodes of the iconic TV series
Captain WH Rollins
Lindsay Wagner"Steve Austin, a man barely alive - gentlemen we can rebuild him, gentlemen we have the power, we have the technology to create the worlds first bionic man" - and that all from memory from back in the 1970's - my favorite show. I must get hold of this. And don't forget the Bionic Woman spin off was it Jamie Sommers?
love this filmThe Great Escape (1963) - one of the great adventure films of all time, The Great Escape is a wonderful example of masterful collaboration between director, screenwriters and composer - all for just £5.00
Captain WH Rollins