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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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can never make enough money for expanding

  1. Android
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WLG Old Lantern
I suggest you save your Airport Cash (greenies) until expansion 8 which is about 500,000 coins IIRC. :eek:
Note from expansion 11 onwards you must use the greenies to expand :mad:
It is very slow and boring. Its the nature of this game. Make money quicker with lots of small business buildings packed in with hardly any road squares. Flights dont pay well. collect money by adding friends.
  1. Android
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WLG Old Lantern
It is very slow and boring. Its the nature of this game. Make money quicker with lots of small business buildings packed in with hardly any road squares. Flights dont pay well. collect money by adding friends.
Which reflects reality eg. airlines are not making much money while airports rake it in via all the non-aviation related revenue eg. car parks and retail leases.
Anyway I do agree, the generation of revenue is slow and the game is very repetitve, then along comes the tightening of item drops from flights and I have begun to wonder why.....especially now that I have my laptop back from Mrs Blackcloud :)
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