I know that sb is not on this forum, but he returns gift almost always, same for igor(cyrilic letters) he can return technical pen. Most people here have him also. This info can help when someone need those items urgently.
@Raf I can send the following Level 10 items directly: Document Detector, Paper Cutter, Protractor. All previous items can only be sent in return.Updated 1st post - https://www.airportcitygame.com/threads/building-materials.9547/#post-135580
- Town Hall lvl.9:
- Postal Drone - @Jake
- Town Hall lvl.10:
- Flatbed Scanner - @RavenENTP (send back only)
- Stitcher - @Raf
@Raf i don´t have stitcher. I can now send 3D Printer and only return Podium.Updated 1st post - https://www.airportcitygame.com/threads/building-materials.9547/#post-135580
Town Hall lvl.10:
- Laminator - --- Not from the forum: Thomas
- Flatbed Scanner - @Faith1984, @Ispmark as Marko1 (send back only), --- Not from the forum: _Игорь
- Stitcher - @suckerp, @Kesh (send back only), @Laosge (send back only)
Control Tower lvl.10:
- Protractor - @RavenENTP (send back only)