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Windows Bug in the game.


350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Old Hippy
It seems late every Saturday night that the game loses my internet connection. It usually comes back very late Sunday afternoons. Ive tried contacting support and they have no idea. This event Ive lost 5400 points, I lost a Master of The Universe and Interstellar boxes. Im pretty sure Im going to lose everything for the next launch. I had a rocket land, I went to recover it and it froze then opened up the launch window then froze again when I tried to reset. Im afraid to play the event knowing I will lose anything that I get or it will be lost on the way to the Game Insight server. So Im pretty sure that Im going to go from 2nd to 4th maybe 5th in the event. Anyone else in this situation? Or have any ideas? I tried using "test" without the "" on a neighbor search. It says I need an internet connection. I know my connection is good as the game is the only thing that isnt working and also that I can enter this message.
It seems late every Saturday night that the game loses my internet connection. It usually comes back very late Sunday afternoons. Ive tried contacting support and they have no idea. This event Ive lost 5400 points, I lost a Master of The Universe and Interstellar boxes. Im pretty sure Im going to lose everything for the next launch. I had a rocket land, I went to recover it and it froze then opened up the launch window then froze again when I tried to reset. Im afraid to play the event knowing I will lose anything that I get or it will be lost on the way to the Game Insight server. So Im pretty sure that Im going to go from 2nd to 4th maybe 5th in the event. Anyone else in this situation? Or have any ideas? I tried using "test" without the "" on a neighbor search. It says I need an internet connection. I know my connection is good as the game is the only thing that isnt working and also that I can enter this message.
Do you have a rocket launched? I've found this is the best indicator if have internet server connection to game server (outside of a packet sniffer). If the rocket doesn't report the timer countdown then you aren't connected and clicking so will state a message as such. Otherwise, also attempting to visit a neighbor will do the same. Internet connection and server connection aren't necessarily the same. A firewall could be blocking specific game\server communications.

Previously, if reported lost progress to support and it can be proven they rewarded what was lost. Unsure now as I haven't contacted support in awhile but have you reported the two lost boxes stated above to support and have them restore? There is/was a lost progress report option when using the in-game chat feature to support.

Bugs and lost progress are common in this game since no bug fixes in awhile and when they did "bug fixes" it was simple things, not the required.


350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Old Hippy
Thanks for the info. I tried everything you mentioned and no luck. The weird part is it happens only on Sunday and only between 0600 UTC- 2100 UTC., and its only this program. It worked fine when I 1st started playing this game in January then around April it started but only on the last day of the events. Now its every Sunday. I have made no changes to my computer setup.
Thanks for the info. I tried everything you mentioned and no luck. The weird part is it happens only on Sunday and only between 0600 UTC- 2100 UTC., and its only this program. It worked fine when I 1st started playing this game in January then around April it started but only on the last day of the events. Now its every Sunday. I have made no changes to my computer setup.
Sounds very odd. That's 6am to 9pm local time if I understand correctly which is well after the daily reset which is around 0100 UTC. Any background services\tasks\scans that could interfere? Using metered or VPN connection?
  1. Android
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