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Big Update - NOV-Oct-sept 2015 ?!?

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Gt city

1000+ Star Club
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
I am now feeling the pain of Sunshine Bay Mobile Player's :D
I just stop playing, only sending 20 gifts every day.

And checking App Store and Google play for update... It looks bad with update for this weekend, so - like mr. Ivan promised - update should be in time of Monday-Wednesday.

Thirsday next week ia already October... But, as one user wrote here "GI did not told us, if they meant Spetember this year." Could be Sept 2016... :blackeye: :hilarious:
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1200+ Star Club
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I just stop playing, only sending 20 gifts every day.

And checking App Store and Google play for update... It looks bad with update for this weekend, so - like mr. Ivan promised - update should be in time of Monday-Wednesday.

Thirsday next week ia already October... But, as one user wrote here "GI did not told us, if they meant Spetember this year." Could be Sept 2016... :blackeye: :hilarious:
I understand lol but I have lost hopes of an update this weekend.
if you see "Neighbor Away" message in my game then you know the reason;):whistle:


600+ Star Club
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It's like waiting for Christmas only not knowing what day Christmas will be :ROFLMAO:

I still have destinations to star and adventures to complete so, although it's routine and boring, I can still keep flying.

Hope some of the ones off on a hay day adventure come back. I miss their posts and their planetariums.
I'm still three starring as well, surprised more people aren't doing this? Also acquired all map buildings now but can't build 8 of them due to no land space.

I am also flying just to get stars, but I only have so many falcons and giants. So without the MUCH needed hangar, I am not going to sell off the rest of my fleet and drain my coins before the update.
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1200+ Star Club
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I'm still three starring as well, surprised more people aren't doing this? Also acquired all map buildings now but can't build 8 of them due to no land space.
I guess as you have a lot of coin's so you can Move all your commercial buildings in Warehouse (Event & reward building's as well) to be able to make space for more adventure building's.
I have moved virtually all commercial and event buildings but I need the passenger buildings and have kept some expensive buildings as it costs a load to store them and I'd rather no take the hit selling them. I've got nearly 28 million but still need passengers and want to have all map buildings in my city, it was quite an effort acquiring them so I want them on display :D


1200+ Star Club
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I have moved virtually all commercial and event buildings but I need the passenger buildings and have kept some expensive buildings as it costs a load to store them and I'd rather no take the hit selling them. I've got nearly 28 million but still need passengers and want to have all map buildings in my city, it was quite an effort acquiring them so I want them on display :D
You really want Passengers dropping from building's?:eek:
Don't you know?
And I know how much effort it takes to make those adventure building's especially when drops are bad.
They are worth to have on display.(y)
You really want Passengers dropping from building's?:eek:
Don't you know?
And I know how much effort it takes to make those adventure building's especially when drops are bad.
They are worth to have on display.(y)
What do you mean about passengers? I have more than enough buildings to keep passenger numbers full flying lots of Giants at the moment .


800+ Star Club
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I am also flying just to get stars, but I only have so many falcons and giants. So without the MUCH needed hanger, I am not going to sell off the rest of my fleet and drain my coins before the update.

I find that I can't even fly more than 7 falcons before one of them returns so I don't really need to buy max amount of falcons. I also need my fuel & passengers to refill, anyway. Falcons keep breaking down also, so....

Froggies Paradise

1000+ Star Club
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I just stop playing, only sending 20 gifts every day.

And checking App Store and Google play for update... It looks bad with update for this weekend, so - like mr. Ivan promised - update should be in time of Monday-Wednesday.

Thirsday next week ia already October... But, as one user wrote here "GI did not told us, if they meant Spetember this year." Could be Sept 2016... :blackeye: :hilarious:

G! must have read this? So they specially introduced an extra neighbour bug to make it more exciting ;)
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Gt city

1000+ Star Club
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
G! must have read this? So they specially introduced an extra gifting bug to make it more exciting ;)
Yeah, right. I think G! and stuff are busy with testing, or they just find out that new update is not ready to go out to public.... Less then 4 days to go, and mr. Ivan "is nowhere" ... Finally i have a time to read a book :hilarious:
  1. Android
New update was available for androids for several minutes on Google play

I just tried to visit Apple neighbors and got a notice "Attention you can't visit this neighbor right now. His version of the game might be outdated."
I didn't see any updating going on in either of my android devices, however.
I hope it isn't another rocky rollout where we lose half our neighbors for several weeks.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
I just checked my games.... Jpjpjp4 (IOS not updated) can't visit jpjpjp999 which is completely up-to-date with version (don't laugh) IOS 7.1.2 but can visit jpjpjp2 (android)
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Urban legend tm
Urban legend tm
Users who got this new update report possibility to create alliances, new buildings -headquarters (for alliances?), and 5 new levels. This update is again available on Google play.
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