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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Big thanks to GI support

  1. Android
Friend Code
GI Support is really quite good at what they do. I know a lot of people have had problems with them, but I have had a wonderful experience with them. About a month or so ago, I was having problems with my tablet. I was running low on memory. I told them I had to reset my tablet and when I reinstalled AC, I had to start over. I was told to send them my old friend code and my new one. Within a day or two, they sent me another code to enter which completely restored my game.

Just a few days ago, I was running low on memory, so in the settings it showed me where I could delete data. I found out not to delete anything from Airport City. If you do, you start out at level 1 again. I had a situation on my tablet where it was saying I had 0.00 bytes of memory, so I had to complete a factory reset once again. This time, I knew what they needed to help me and I sent them my new code and my old code. Once again, it worked perfectly.

The only thing that ever changes when they restore your game is that you have new giftable items. Time to change the signature again, I guess.
  1. Android
  2. iPhone
Friend Code
see my signature
see my signature
Two sides of the coin... I suppose I have the other side of the story to tell... Glad it has been working out for you...

So does your neighbours list reset as well?
  1. Android
Friend Code
No. the neighbors list doesn't change. Just the giftable items and they have given me some pretty good ones this time, which I am hoping to keep now that I found out why my tablet is running out of memory quicker than it should.


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
2 days ago I did the same, I could recover an old game, but in my case I lost all my neighboars, that's why I'm looking for new ones.

I have another game, but has problems to open (alien bug), I'm with doubts about install a new AC and ask to recover my game or wait to GIS to fix it.
  1. Android
Friend Code
el_angelus I have sent a friend request. I see in your signature you say that you need tv panels. Do you mean video boards? I'm not sure what you mean by TV panels. If it is a video board, I can send you one of those. I also have video walls. Just let me know what you need.
  1. Android
Friend Code
I would also like to say thanks to GI. Sometimes we all get out of control with our emotions and get mad at them but they are only humans too . Added me to your friends list. Code- 88efv8 name - bulldog level 40 player
  1. Android
Friend Code
FancyFlight OR !FF(itemsneeded)
Do you still have those 'good' giftable items? I restored my game and had really good items too but then when I went on it a second time it had gone back to my original items ! :p

el_angelus I have sent a friend request. I see in your signature you say that you need tv panels. Do you mean video boards? I'm not sure what you mean by TV panels. If it is a video board, I can send you one of those. I also have video walls. Just let me know what you need.
  1. Android
Friend Code
yes. i still have the good ones that i was referring to. now i know what was causing the problem with my tablet, hopefully i will be able to keep them for a while now. just check my signature and see what i have. if i have anything you need, send me a friend request.
  1. Android
Friend Code
a4rgnqc / at61m60
Steve64 / DIA
must_dash I had similar issue when I got my code too as I read it wrong a couple of times. I then figured that out and my code included # at the beginning, which also ended up being part of my code.
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