My population went from 754 to 1754 and I can not build nothing.
My population went from 754 to 1754 and I can not build nothing.
besides the population / over population 'bug', is there any other noticeable problems /bugs introduced with the Android update? I have not updated yet.
After my quest was autocompleted I cannot seng all the Xmas gifts.
Is it normal?
If I remember correctly all the previous events removed special gifts after the finish of the events time only.
Hi ww055!
I think it is normal. Quest related gifts disappear once you complete the quest. By the way what is the reward this year? Anything useful?
Hi S3R3G4, see the post of Pakman on the first page of this thread: an Icehotel!
;-) OK. So no useful items for the quest ... Thanks.Blesk12 i bought 1 for inconew and sometimes i get drops
For me the town hall upgrade went fine, I was at level 4 and each update bring 100 persons more.
So I reach a population 1440. But still not enough to be able to keep all the buildings before the upgrade.
by the way, I still need mayor portraits to finish the level 7.