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Ara and friends. Chat and launches. Week 5, 2 Feb - 8 Feb.

  1. Android
Don't go down easily @Robby Kusuma

Just when @nsari and I want to use our QL's for this Saturday you're out.
Maybe ara wants to lead us for some blues and reds this weekend ?

Keep flying Garuda !
Now I have only one game. And I have everything. Nothing more to achieve. I just did 10 red this morning joined friend name fatdazzz. So, what time? @Juvenal , but your rule make me sleepy.... Lol. I really dont understand the old style rule. I hijacked you remember. So, no 1 and 2 are hired. So all no 3 are free, right? And the question, why have to wait some time to open again after you land? I still have no idea. This system, also used by the Russians, but they direct open. Only wait while fueling till everyone inside. And they have a break every 10 launches or some numbers.
Now I have only one game. And I have everything. Nothing more to achieve. I just did 10 red this morning joined friend name fatdazzz. So, what time? @Juvenal , but your rule make me sleepy.... Lol. I really dont understand the old style rule. I hijacked you remember. So, no 1 and 2 are hired. So all no 3 are free, right? And the question, why have to wait some time to open again after you land? I still have no idea. This system, also used by the Russians, but they direct open. Only wait while fueling till everyone inside. And they have a break every 10 launches or some numbers.
I'm thinking that it will starts with some Blues at 16.00 GMT +7 this Saturday and some Reds at night after it.
Can you make itu bro ?

You have change it all bro so there will no be rule, freestyle is what you like to say right.
No gap between launches. Are you up for it ?


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  1. iPad
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Yulee , Yulee 2
Yulee , Yulee 2
@Robby Kusuma, please don't quit, you can't let them win, if you quit than they will win, Just Keep Calm than back on the game slowly, we will wait for your launch always.
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